Consumer protection laws in India must be thrown into heap of garbage

Corruption is the root cause of mushrooming of third grade companies like I Kall.
Grievance Status for registration number : DOCAF/E/2021/05604
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Consumer Affairs
Grievance Description
Erring companies are providing parrot reply on national consumer help line without taking perusal of the subject matter and contents of the grievance reflects lawlessness and anarchy. These inconsistent and arbitrary replies only create tension and frustration in the mind of aggrieved consumers. Consequently credibility of NCH is under cloud.
Remark Date :2021-10-21 12:03:23 Response Received from Company : As discussed with customer complaining that display and charging slot are damaged which can’t be considered under warranty as per warranty terms but customer is not agree to pay the damage cost.
Date : 2021-10-25 16:49:10 Status :   Closed

Suggestion / Feedback / Remark : Grievance Updated Details : NCH out called on 27/10/2021 at 13:34 PM to discuss the grievance. He said that the company did not provide him T&C so he does not agree with the revert of the company. He insisted to forward the grievance to the company again, and wants the company's T&C so that he could file a case in consumer commission with all relevant proof.
Remark Date :2021-10-29 12:43:37

Response Received from Company : As discussed with customer complaining that display and charging slot are damaged which can’t be considered under warranty as per warranty terms but customer is not agree to pay the damage cost. Due to this case is pending
Date : 2021-11-03 13:47:17 Status :   Closed

Undoubtedly, company staff never understand the contents of the grievances of consumers but why are they not understanding the NCH staff request made ipso facto aforementioned. Undoubtedly it reflects the insolence on the part of the staff of the I Kall company who took under teeth the genuine request made at the behest of the aggrieved consumer but such parrot reply is the integral part of the corrupt system where integrity of the public staffs may be under cloud. We want good governance in which there may be transparency and accountability but it is our vision only far away from our reach. For more detail, vide attached document to this representation. This is age of illegal gratification which is the root cause of our deterioration.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Grievance received   
Date of Action
Officer Concerns To
Forwarded to
Consumer Affairs
Officer Name
Shri Surendra Singh
Officer Designation
Contact Address
Email Address
Contact Number

An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.


Your view points inspire us

  1. Undoubtedly it reflects the insolence on the part of the staff of the I Kall company who took under teeth the genuine request made at the behest of the aggrieved consumer but such parrot reply is the integral part of the corrupt system where integrity of the public staffs may be under cloud. We want good governance in which there may be transparency and accountability but it is our vision only far away from our reach. For more detail, vide attached document to this representation. This is age of illegal gratification which is the root cause of our deterioration.

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