
Commissioner of police Prayagraj must provide the information concerning compliance of order passed by UPHRC

Vandana Singh is living at the house of parents since more than 10 years and police is failed to provide justice to her against the atrocity

Youth for Human Rights providing the knowledge of Human Rights at your door step, don't miss it for the sake of human society

Bharat Viashnav (Deputy Secretary Coordination) closed the grievance of Vandana Singh with arbitrary remark- Subject not clear Gujarat govt.

Labour enforcement officer is falsely saying Pritesh Kumar did not provide requisite documents sought by him as they are seeking wages

Vandana Singh is crying for justice before Gujarat police against inhuman treatment of her husband for many years but no ray of justice

Government claims to provide several types of Awases but factual position tells when paved slums are turning into ashes in fire accidents

Chairperson U.P.H.R.C. Lucknow invited my submissions in Case No-10364(63)2020-2021 but did not provide my communication reference.

Pritesh Kumar is not being provided the information by chief medical officer concerning incredible and false report submitted before U.P.H.R.C.