Welcome UPICR20240008831
Second Appeal under section 19(3) of the Right to Information Act, 2005
Appeal Registration Number - A-20241001318
Appellant's Particulars
Applied Date : 19/10/2024 04:07:43 AM
Name Indradev Yadav
Gender Male
Town/Village चिल्ह
Pincode 231312
Mobile Number 9118208936
Email yadavindramzp9118@gmail.com
Address ग्राम व पोस्ट चिल्ह
Department HOME DEPARTMENT (District)
Division Mirzapur
District Mirzapur
Tehsil ---
Block ---
Gram Panchayat ---
Office Suprintendent Of Police MIRAZAPUR
Details of Request for obtaining information under section 6(1) of RTI Act, 2005
Date of RTI application under section 6(1) 23-05-2024
Is the Applicant below poverty line? No
Section 6(1) Application No. SPMZR/R/2024/60063
Section 6(1) Transaction ID SPMZRR20240000000073
Action Taken by Public Information Officer(PIO)
Answer of P.I.O. Answer incomplete/unsatisfactory/false/misleading etc.
Date of PIO Reply 26-07-2024
Public Information Officer Details
Address Public Information Officer Office - Superintendent Of Police MIRAZAPUR
Pin code 231001
Mobile Number 9454401105
Email asp-op.mi@up.gov.in
Details of First Appeal
Date of First Appeal application under Section 19(1) 05-10-2024
FAA SP Mirzapur Abhinandan Singh
Address First Appellate Authority Office - Superintendent Of Police MIRAZAPUR
Pin code 231001
Mobile Number 9454400299
Email spmzr-up@nic.in
FAA Address Details
Answer of First Appellate Authority (FAA) There is no answer
Date of Order ---
Delay Reason NA
Relief sought under Section 19(3)- Second Appeal of the Right to Information Act, 2005 Please award pecuniary penalty on public information officer under section 20 of the right to information act 2005 for willful denial of information
Other Supporting Documents
Document-1 Details Supporting document
Document-2 Details Appeal status
Hearing Option
Hearing Type Offline
Online Hearing Mobile ---
Online Hearing Email ---
I hereby state that the information and particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that this matter is not previously filed with this commission nor is pending with any Court or tribunal or authority.
Documents Enclosure
Scanned copy of the signed second appeal u/s 19(3) of the Right to Information Act,2005
Copy of PIO Reply
Copy of RTI Application under section 6(1)
Copy of First Appeal under section 19(1)
RTI Covering
First Appeal Covering
Chief Information Commissioner/ Companion Information Commissioners
7/7A, RTI Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-226010
Details of the appellant-Indradev Yadav, Village and post office- Chilh, Tehsil- Sadar, Police station Chilh, District- Mirzapur, Pin code 231312, State-Uttar Pradesh, Mobile number 9118208936
Details of the respondents-
1-PIO of Public Authority approached- OM PRAKASH SINGH
Designation ASP OPERATION, Phone No 9454401105, Email Id- asp-op.mi@up.gov.in, District Mirzapur, PIN Code-231001
2-Concerned Appellate Authority- Abhinandan Singh, Superintendent of police, Mobile number- 9454400299, email- spmzr-up@nic.in, District Mirzapur, Pin code 231001
Prayer- Public information officer provided incomplete baseless and false reply and more surprising thing is that SHO Chilh through C.O. Sadar submitted summary report instead of providing 5-points information which is against the spirit of RTI Act 2005. Please award pecuniary penalty on public information officer under section 20 of the right to information act 2005 for wilful denial of information.
Short submissions of the appellant are as follows.
1- Most respected Sir, the appellant sought 5 points information from the public information officer as follows.
Sought information 1- Grievance Status for registration number: GOVUP/E/2024/0022845, Grievance Concerns To Name of Complainant-Indradev Yadav, Date of Receipt- 03/04/2024, Received by Ministry/Department-Uttar Pradesh
PIO must provide the reason for not taking action on this grievance of
the information seeker even after 1 month and 20 days
Sought information 2- PIO must provide the name and designation of the investigation officer who is working on the aforementioned grievance.
Sought information 3- PIO must provide the posting details of the investigation officer and the date when the investigation officer joined this district and the first police station in this district.
Sought information 4- PIO must provide the posting details of the station house officer of the police station Chilh, Mirzapur name and designation as well as the date when SHO Chilh joined the district- Mirzapur.
Sought information 5- PIO must provide the total number of reports registered in the police station Chilh Mirzapur month wise for the last six months including both cognizable and non-cognizable.
2- Most respected sir please take a glance of the reply information made available by public information officer to the appellant as follows.
रिपोर्ट थाना चील्ह जनपद मीरजापुर
सेवा में,
श्रीमान् जनसूचना अधिकारी/क्षेत्राधिकारी सदर जनपद मीरजापु
जवाब पत्र सं० - ज०सू०आनलाईन - 51/2024 दिनांक 20.06.2024 जनसूचना आवेदक इन्द्रदेव यादव निवासी चील्ह थाना चील्ह जनपद मीरजापुर उ०प्र० के द्वारा मांगी गयी आख्या -
निवेदन है कि जनसूचना आवेदक इन्द्रदेव यादव निवासी चील्ह थाना चील्ह जनपद मीरजापुर उ०प्र० द्वारा चील्ह पुलिस पर एफआईआर दर्ज न करने व भ्रष्टाचार आदि आरोप लगाये गये है उक्त के सम्बन्ध में अवगत कराना है कि आवेदक के पिता खट्टन प्रसाद के तहरीरी सूचना दिनांक 20.05.2024 के आधार पर आवेदक के विपक्षीगण 1-उमेश कुमार पुत्र स्वर्गी लालबहादुर 2-मुकेश कुमार पुत्र स्व०लाल बहादुर 3-संदीप यादव
पुत्र सुभाष यादव निवासीगण चील्ह थाना चील्ह जनपद मीरजापुर के विरुद्ध धारा 504/427 भादवि पंजीकृत है । आवेदक व आवेदक की पत्नी में मतभेद है जो अपने पिता के घर रह रही है, शेष आरोपो के सम्बन्ध में पुष्टि कारक साक्ष्य नही पाया गया।
रिपोर्ट सादर सेवा में प्रेषित है।
थाना थानाध्यक्ष चील्ह
3- Most respected sir, public information officer provided the aforementioned information to the information seeker so most respected Sir please take a glance of the information made available by the public information officer and examine that whether any of the five points of information is available in the information made available by the station House officer, police station Chilh.
This is a humble request of your appellant to you Hon'ble Sir that how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness, and chaos arbitrarily by making the mockery of law of land? There is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your appellant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.
Date-19/10/2024 Yours sincerely.
Indradev Yadav, Village and post office- Chilh, Tehsil- Sadar, Police station Chilh, District- Mirzapur, Pin code 231312, State-Uttar Pradesh, Mobile number 911820893
There is only show off of honesty but the factual position is that there is rampant corruption in the working of the public authorities due to lack of honesty in the working of public staff.