S.P. rural Budaun must know that information concerns directorate of prosecution

How can following information be provided by the Budaun court as suggested by the public information officer in the office of senior superintendent of police Budaun.

1- Public information officer must provide the latest guideline provided to the assistant prosecution officers regarding conduct of business concerning examination of witnesses of prosecution. 

2-PIO must provide the available guidelines of the government which provide reprieve to old age witnesses from cumbersome proceedings of court so that we may not be treated like accused. 

3- Please provide the maximum time taken by the A.P.O. to produce witnesses before the court for witness testimony when witnesses are always ready from the date of registration of case in the court.  

सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 के अधीन मांगी गयी सूचना के अनुरोध को नामंजूर किये जाने की सूचना



पत्रसंख्या-34/2024/ऑनलाईन (सू०अ०अधि0) 2005, प्रेषक, अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक ग्रामीण/जनसूचना अधिकारी जनपद, बदायूँ ।

(सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 के अधीन सूचना उपलब्ध कराने वाले राज्य लोक सूचना अधिकारी का पदनाम पता)

सेवा में,

Name-Smt Radha Rastogi,

Address-W/O Vimal kumar Rastogi Garhaiya Shahbajpur Patiyali

Sarai-243601, Mobile No-9354762733, अधिनियम 2005 की धारा 6 (1) के अधीन सूचना माँगने वाले आवेदक/आवेदिका का नाम और पता) महोदय/महोदया,

कृपया सूचना का अधिकार, अधिनियम 2005 के अधीन सूचना उपलब्ध कराये जाने के सम्बन्ध मे अधोहस्ताक्षरी को संम्बोधित क्रमांकः-34/2024/ऑनलाईन / (सू0अ0अधि0) 2005 पर पंजीकृत अपने अपीलीय ऑनलाइन आवेदन दिनांक-14.03.2024, जिसका रजिस्ट्रेशन नम्बर- SSPBD/R/2024/80005, संदर्भ ग्रहण करने का कष्ट करें।

अधोहस्ताक्षरी द्वारा आपको खेद के साथ सूचित किया जाता है कि आप द्वारा माँगी गयी सूचना का सम्बन्ध पुलिस विभाग से नहीं है आपकी सूचना का सम्बन्ध माननीय न्यायालय जनपद बदायूँ से है आप माननीय न्यायालय से पत्राचार कर अपनी सूचना प्राप्त कर सकती है। अतः आपको

कोई भी सूचना दिया जाना सम्भव नहीं है।

साथ ही यह भी अवगत कराना है कि उ०प्र० सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 के अन्तर्गत आवेदनों/प्रथम अपीलों को ऑनलाइन प्राप्त कर निस्तारित किये जाने हेतु एक वेब पोर्टल http://rtionline.up.gov.in विकसित किया गया है। भविष्य में जनसूचना के लिए / प्रथम अपील करने हेतु आप उक्त वेब पोर्ट्स का उपयोग कर सकते है।

अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक ग्रामीण/ जनसूचना अधिकारी जनपद बदायूँ।

Online RTI Status Form

Registration Number SSPBD/A/2024/60027

Name Smt Radha Rastogi

Date of Filing 16/08/2024

Status RTI APPEAL RECEIVED as on 16/08/2024

  PIO Details  



Phone No.

Email Id

  Nodal Officer Details  


Email-ID rtidn@gmail.com

Online RTI Appeal Form Details

Public Authority Details :-  


Personal Details:-

* Name Smt Radha Rastogi

Gender Male

* Address W/O Vimal Kumar Rastogi , Garhaiya Shahbajpur, Patiyali Sarai

Districts Budaun

Pincode 243601

State Uttar Pradesh

Educational Status Literate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-9354762733

Email-ID vimalkrastogi1946[at]gmail[dot]com

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No

First Appeal Details u/s 19(1) :-

Registration Number SSPBD/A/2024/60027

Date of Filing 16/08/2024

Concerned Appellate Authority Nodal Officer

Phone No Details not provided

Email Id Details not provided

* Ground For Appeal No Response Within the Time Limit

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Prayer or Relief Sought This matter concerns the working of the department of prosecution which works under the advice of the senior superintendent of Police district Budaun.

From the following status of the online RTI application it is quite obvious that the Public Information Officer informed the applicant that information sought by the appellant was sent by the branch of dispatch in the office of senior superintendent of Police district-Budaun to the information seeker on 18th March 2024.

Registration Number SSPBD/R/2024/80005

Name Smt Radha Rastogi

Date of Filing 14/03/2024

Status REQUEST DISPOSED OF as on 18/03/2024

Reply :- आपकी सूचना पुलिस कार्यालय की डिस्पैच शाखा के माध्यम से दिनाँकः-18.03.2024 को भेजी गयी है ।

It is quite obvious that the Public Information Officer is running away from providing information to the appellant because if he had sent the information to the appellant then it must reach the appellant in this duration of three months. 

It is quite obvious that there is an online facility provided by the government of Uttar Pradesh so it was an obligatory duty of the concerned Public Information Officer to attach the PDF copy of the sent document which was not done by the Public Information Officer.

The appellant sought the following three points information from the Public Information Officer.

1- Public information officer must provide the latest guideline provided to the assistant prosecution officers regarding conduct of business concerning examination of witnesses of prosecution. 

2-PIO must provide the available guidelines of the government which provide reprieve to old age witnesses from cumbersome proceedings of court so that we may not be treated like accused. 

3- Please provide the maximum time taken by the A.P.O. to produce witnesses before the court for witness testimony when witnesses are always ready from the date of registration of case in the court. 

If you have provided these 3 points of information, then you may attach the information you send to the appellant.

This is a humble request of the appellant to the first appellate authority to take action in the matter in accordance with the law so that such unproductive practices may not proliferate in the system which is like poison to a healthy system.

Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))

RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-

Registration Number SSPBD/R/2024/80005

Date of Filing 14/03/2024

PIO of Public Authority approached spra bdn

Designation spra

Phone No 9454401021

Email Id rtibdn@gmail.com

PIO Order/Decision Number Details not provided

* PIO Order/Decision Date
