If money returned on set up QR code, then entire money of account will be debited
भारत सरकार भारतीय डाक विभाग कार्यालय अधीक्षक डाकघर मीरजापुर मण्डल, मीरजापुर-231001
सेवा में,
योगी एम.पी. सिंह मोहल्ला सुरेख पुरम कॉलोनी, श्री लक्ष्मी नगर बैकुंठ महादेव मंदिर रीवा रोड, मीरजापुर 7379105911
पत्रांक:- CR-/PG PORTAL/DPOST/E/2024/0020909 विषयः- आपके द्वारा PG PORTAL पर की गयी शिकायत के सम्बन्ध में- सन्दर्भः- आपकी शिकायत PG PORTAL/ DPOST/E/2024/0020909
मीरजापुर, दिनाँक:- 07.08.2024
दिनांक:- 04.08.2024
उक्त विषयक मामले में आपको अवगत करना है कि उक्त मामले में आई.पी.पी.बी शाखा प्रबंधक के आख्या के अनुसार शिकायतकर्ता के खाते में अज्ञात स्रोतों से क्रेडिट का मामला लगता है यदि शिकायतकर्ता इस राशी को अपने खाते में वापस करना चाहते है तो निकटम आई.पी.पी.बी बैंकिंग शाखा पर स्वप्रमाणित पहचान पत्र के "साथ प्राप्त क्रेडिट के लिए लाभार्थी डेबिट सहमति पत्र" भरना होगा। अतः उक्त परिवाद को इस स्तर से बंद किया जाता है।
अधीक्षक डाकघर
मीरजापुर मण्डल
मीरजापुर -231001
Grievance Status for registration number: DPOST/E/2024/0020909
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Grievance Description
Posts >> Financial Scheme Related >> Savings Bank (SB/RD/TD/MIS/SCSS/Others) >> Others
CIF No. : 6052340664
Post Office where A/C or Transaction occurred : 231001
An application on behalf of Abha Singh W/O Keshav Pratap Singh Mohalla-Surekapuram Colony, Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Jabalpur Road, Mirzapur city, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-231001
The matter concerns the unauthorised payment/credit into the following Indian Post payment bank account of the applicant which details are as follows.
India Post Payments Bank
Account number- 059610168339, CIF number- 6052340664
IFSC Code- IPOS0000001
Email- contact@ippbonline.in
Website- www.ippbonline.com
Most respected Sir, please take a glance of the unauthorised transaction details through which credit of Rs.1170 into the account of the applicant was made yesterday.
Abha Singh
Banking name: ABHA SINGH
96289 93985
Joined January 2023
Yesterday, 9:51 pm
Payment to Abha
Paid. 3 Aug
For more details, please take a glance of the attached pdf document to this grievance.
This is a humble request of the applicant to the concerned bank to take appropriate action in the matter so that the legitimate action may be ensured.
An anonymous person is talking with Abha Singh aggrieved account holder of the Indian post payment bank and her husband Keshav Pratap Singh alias Tantrik K. P. Singh on mobile numbers sending short media messages to pay the aforementioned amount on a QR code sent by him.
The applicant in this matter when took the suggestion of the crime inspector Mr Arvind Kumar Yadav of district-Mirzapur then he suggested not to pay the amount on the QR Code because it may be fraud and more amounts may be deducted from the account.
The anonymous person is not providing account details and also in the name of providing identity card or id he provided a photograph which is also attached to the attached pdf document. The matter is too much suspicious.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
R/ Sir Kindly find the attachment
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
It was fundamental duty of the applicant to inform the concerned public staff about the illegal transaction made into the account of the applicant concerning Indian post payment bank which was done in good faith.
Appeal Details
Appeal Number
Date of Receipt
Appeal Text
Whether there is no mechanism available to the Indian post payment bank to resolve the issue of illegal credit made into the account by the fraudulent elements with motive to cheat the account holders? Think about the gravity of the situation the person who is not providing identity card and banking details will ever cooperate transparent investigation. There must be easy and transparent mechanism to resolve such issues so that account holders may get easily reprieve by such fraudulent transactions made into the account to cheat the account holder. I have informed the concerned accountable public staff about the illegal credit and concerned staff of the Indian Post payment bank must take action in accordance with the law which is his formal duty and obligatory duty as well.
Current Status
Appeal Received
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Masoom Raza Rashdee (Assistant Director of Postal Services)
Organisation name
Postmaster General Allahabad
Contact Address
3rd Floor Prayagraj Head Post Office Building Civil Lines S N Marg Prayagraj
Email Address
Contact Number
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