Vimal Kumar Rastogi filed appeal against ADDITIONAL AND SESSION JUDGE


न्यायालयः केन्द्रीय जन सूचना अधिकारी/अपर जिला जज, कक्ष संख्या-1, बदायूँ जनसूचना अधिकार प्रार्थना-पत्र संख्या-14/2024 विमल कुमार रस्तोगी बनाम जनपद न्यायाधीश, बदायूँ।

दिनॉक: 26-04-2024

प्रार्थी/आवेदक विमल कुमार रस्तोगी निवासी-Garhaiya shabajpur, Patiyali Sarai, Police Station kotwali, Pin: 243601 Uttar Pradesh मोबाइल नम्बर- 9891680848, Email: की ओर से जन सूचना उपलब्ध कराये जाने हेतु ऑन लाइन पंजीकृत DNBDU/R/2024/60009 आवेदन पत्र दि० 12-04-2024 कागज संख्या 3ग प्रस्तुत किया गया जो कि माननीय जनपद न्यायाधीश, बदायूँ के कार्यालय के माध्यम से दि० 18-04-2024 को इस न्यायालय को प्राप्त हुआ। आर०टी०आई० रिक्वेस्ट डिटेल में शुल्क अंकन-50/-रूपये पेड दर्शाया गया है। आवेदक द्वारा अपने आवेदन पत्र में यह अभिकथन किया गया है किः

"The information seeker submitted the following criminal revision before the District And Session Judge as follows In The Court Of. DISTRICT JUDGE, BUDAUN CNR Number.: UPBN010083962023 Case Number.: Criminal Revision/0000190/2023 VIMAL KUMAR RASTOGI Versus State Of UP Date: 11-10-2023 Case Details, Case Type- Criminal Revision Filing Number-8389/2023, Filing Date-11-10-2023 Registration Number- 190/2023, Registration Date-11-10-2023 CNR Number-UPBN0100 83962023 Case Status First Hearing Date-11-10-2023, Decision Date- 02-02-2024 Case Status Case Disposed, Nature Of Disposal-Contested --DISMISSED Court Number And Judge-2-A.D.AND S.J., COURT NO.-1, BUDAUN Most respected sir, for more details, please take a glance at the 4th and 5th page of the attached PDF document to this online RTI application. The applicant wants to draw the kind attention to the following frivolous case filed by Dinesh Kumar Gupta against the applicant as In The Court Of: A.D.AND S.J., COURT NO.-1, BUDAUN CNR Number.: UPBN010005172024 Case Number. Criminal Misc. Cases/0000057/

2024 DINESH KUMAR GUPTA Versus STATE OF UP Case Details, Case Type-

Criminal Misc. Cases, Filing Number-512/2024, Filing Date-17-01-2024


Registration Number-57/2024, Registration Date-17-01-2024 CNR Number-UPBN010005172024 Case Status First Hearing Date-17-01- 2024, Next Hearing Date-24-04-2024, Case Stage- Hearing Court Number And Judge-2-A.D.AND S.J., COURT NO.-1, BUDAUN This frivolous case is based on the allegations of Dinesh Kumar Gupta that the applicant has not signed the plaint submitted by the counsel of the applicant and it has been signed by some other person which is most ridiculous for me. Sought information by the information seeker please provide the CD of the court functioning dated 11-10-2023 which is the date of the registration of the case as well as date of first hearing that took place before the court of the District and session judge."

उक्त जन सूचना प्रार्थना पत्र पर सहायक जन सूचना अधिकारी/सिविल जज (सी०डि०) बदायूँ की आख्या आहूत की गयी जिसके अनुपालन में सहायक जन सूचना अधिकारी / सिविल जज (सी०डि०) बदायूँ की आख्या कागज सं०-6 ग इस आशय की प्रेषित की गयी है कि "उपरोक्त विषयांतर्गत सादर अवगत कराना है कि आवदेक श्री विमल कुमार रस्तोगी द्वारा प्रस्तुत प्रार्थनापत्र के सन्दर्भ में 'Allahabad High Court (right to Information) rules, 2005' के नियम-4 के अनुसार प्रत्येक प्रश्न के लिए शुल्क अंकन-50/-रुपये देय है तथा आवेदनपत्र पर आवेदन शुल्क के रूप में ऑनलाइन अंकन 50/-रूपये अमाउंट पेड दर्शित है, किन्तु आवेदक द्वारा सी०डी० की नकल मांगी गयी है तथा वाद की पहली सुनवाई की जानकारी मांगी गयी है, उक्त के अनुसार आवेदक द्वारा अपने आवेदन में दो प्रश्न पूछे गये हैं। इस प्रकार प्रदत्त किया गया शुल्क अपर्याप्त है। अतः मेरी राय में अपर्याप्त शुल्क के कारण उक्त सूचना प्रदत्त किया जाना न्यायसंगत नहीं


मैंने आवेदक द्वारा प्रस्तुत प्रार्थना पत्र, सहायक जन सूचना अधिकारी की आख्या तथा जनसूचना अधिकार अधिनियम-2005 का अवलोकन किया । मैने आवेदक द्वारा प्रस्तुत जन सूचना प्रार्थना पत्र एवं सहायक जन सूचना

अधिकारी की आख्या का अवलोकन किया। सहायक जन सूचना अधिकारी की आख्या के अनुसार " आवेदक द्वारा सी०डी० की नकल व वाद की पहली सुनवाई की जानकारी मांगी गयी है तथा आवेदक के आवेदन शुल्क के रूप में ऑनलाइन अंकन 50/-रूपये अमाउंट पेड दर्शित किया गया है। आवेदक द्वारा आवेदन पत्र के साथ पर्याप्त आवेदन शुल्क अदा नहीं किया गया है। आवेदक द्वारा चाही गयी सूचना, Honble Allahabad High Court


(Right to Information) rules, 2005 की धारा-4 के तहत आवेदन पत्र पर्याप्त शुल्क अदा न करने के कारण पोषणीय नहीं है और आवेदक का प्रार्थना पत्र निरस्त किये जाने योग्य है।


आवेदक विमल कुमार रस्तोगी द्वारा प्रस्तुत जन सूचना अधिकार प्रार्थना-पत्र संख्या-14/2024 निरस्त किया जाता है। इस आदेश की एक प्रति सूचनार्थ आवेदक को पंजीकृत डाक के माध्यम से भेजी जावे तथा सिस्टम आफीसर, कम्प्यूटर अनुभाग को आदेशित किया जाता है कि वह इस आदेश की सूचना आवेदक को उसके ई-मेल आई०डी० पर भेजें एवं शुल्क वापस किये जाने के लिए नियमानुसार कार्यवाही अमल में लायें।

आवेदक को यह भी सूचित किया जाता है कि यदि आवेदक इस आदेश से क्षुब्ध है तो इसके विरूद्ध अपील, प्रथम अपीलेट एथॉर्टी / माननीय जनपद न्यायाधीश, बदायूँ के यहाँ निर्धारित समय सीमा के अन्दर संस्थित कर सकता है। पत्रावली नियमानुसार दाखिल अभिलेखागार की जावे।


the 26/4/14 (इश्तियाक अली गय जन सूचना अधिकारी केन्द्रीय जन सूचना अधिकारी जज कथा सं०-१

अपर जिला जज, कक्ष संख्या- भदा


Your RTI Request filed successfully.

Please note down the following details for further references.

Registration Number DNBDU/R/2024/60013

Name Vimal Kumar Rastogi

Date of Filing 28-08-2024

RTI Fee Received    50

Online Reference Number CPAEDSISX1

Transaction Status Success

Request filed with District Court Budaun

 Contact Details of Nodal Officer  

Telephone Number 9412294638


Online RTI Request Form Details

Public Authority Details :- 

* Public Authority District Court Budaun  

Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

Registration Number DNBDU/R/2024/60013

Date of Filing 28/08/2024

* Name Vimal Kumar Rastogi

Gender Male

* Address Garhaiya, Shabajpur , Patiyali Sarai, Police station Kotwali

Pincode 243601

State Uttar Pradesh

Educational Status Literate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-9891680848

Email-ID vimalkrastogi1946[at]gmail[dot]com

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No

RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Description of Information Sought Most respected sir, the following RTI application submitted by the information seeker in which you respected Sir denied the information on the flimsy ground.Registration Number DNBDU/R/2024/60009, Name Vimal Kumar Rastogi Date of Filing 12-04-2024 RTI Fee Received    50

Sought information by the information seeker - please provide the CD of the court functioning dated 11-10-2023 which is the date of the registration of the case as well as date of first hearing that took place before the court of the district and session judge.

Most respected Sir you and your assistant could not understand the meaning of the information sought by the information seeker which explanation is as follows. Please provide the CD of the court functioning dated 11-10-2023. The successive portion of the sentence is as-which is the date of the registration of the case as well as date of first hearing that took place before the court of the district and session judge. The meaning of this subordinate sentence is as follows. 

Date- 11-10-2023  is the date of the registration of the case as well as date- 11-10-2023 date of first hearing that took place before the court of the district and session judge.

Most respected Sir you committed the misinterpretation of the sentence and created difficulty not only to information seeker, if deliberately, then mistakes of the law due to the dereliction of duty of the subordinate. The applicant is seeking the same information In simple and short sentence. 

Please provide the CD of the court functioning dated 11-10-2023. This date has been explained as the aforementioned as well as in the aforementioned RTI application which registration number is mentioned. The denial of the information is as follows.

On the said RTI Application, the report of Assistant Public Information Officer/Civil Judge (CD) Budaun was called. In compliance of which Assistant Public Information Officer / Assistant Public Information Officer/ Civil Judge (CD) Badaun has sent the report as Paper No. 6C to the effect that the above subject matter is to be respectfully conveyed that in respect of the application submitted by the applicant Shri Vimal Kumar Rastogi , Allahabad High Court (right to Information) rules, 2005 As per Rule-4 of the RTE Act, the fee marking for each question is payable and the online marking amount of Rs. 50/- is shown as paid as application fee on the application form, but the applicant has asked for a copy of the CD and information about the first hearing of the suit has been sought, according to the above, two questions have been asked by the applicant in his application. The fee so paid is inadequate. Therefore, in my opinion, due to inadequate fee, it is not justified to provide the said information. For more details, please take a glance of the attached PDF document to this RTI online application.

The information seeker is again repeating the same sentence, please provide the CD of the court functioning dated 11-10-2023.only, nothing else. 

* Concerned PIO Nodal Officer

Designation Details not provided

Phone No Details not provided

Email Id Details not provided

Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))

Registration Number DNBDU/R/2024/60013
Name Vimal Kumar Rastogi
Date of Filing 28/08/2024
Status RTI REQUEST RECEIVED as on 28/08/2024
  Nodal Officer Details  
Name District Court Budaun

Your RTI Appeal filed successfully.
Please note down the details of registration.
Registration Number :DNBDU/A/2024/60003
Name :Vimal Kumar Rastogi
Date of Filing :28-08-2024
Request filed with :District Court Budaun
 Contact Details  
Telephone Number :9412294638
Online RTI Appeal Form Details
Public Authority Details :-
* Public Authority District Court Budaun
Personal Details:-
* Name Vimal Kumar Rastogi
Gender Male
* Address Garhaiya, Shabajpur , Patiyali Sarai, Police station Kotwali
Pincode 243601
State Uttar Pradesh
Educational Status Literate
Phone Number Details not provided
Mobile Number +91-9891680848
Email-ID vimalkrastogi1946[at]gmail[dot]com
Citizenship Indian
* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No
First Appeal Details u/s 19(1) :-
Registration Number DNBDU/A/2024/60003
Date of Filing 28/08/2024
Concerned Appellate Authority Nodal Officer
Phone No Details not provided
Email Id Details not provided
* Ground For Appeal Refused access to Information Requested
((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )
* Prayer or Relief Sought Most respected sir, the following RTI application submitted by the information seeker in which you respected Sir denied the information on the flimsy ground.Registration Number DNBDU/R/2024/60009, Name Vimal Kumar Rastogi Date of Filing 12-04-2024 RTI Fee Received    50
Sought information by the information seeker - please provide the CD of the court functioning dated 11-10-2023 which is the date of the registration of the case as well as date of first hearing that took place before the court of the district and session judge.
Most respected Sir you and your assistant could not understand the meaning of the information sought by the information seeker which explanation is as follows. Please provide the CD of the court functioning dated 11-10-2023. The successive portion of the sentence is as-which is the date of the registration of the case as well as date of first hearing that took place before the court of the district and session judge. The meaning of this subordinate sentence is as follows. 
Date- 11-10-2023  is the date of the registration of the case as well as date- 11-10-2023 date of first hearing that took place before the court of the district and session judge.
Most respected Sir you committed the misinterpretation of the sentence and created difficulty not only to information seeker, if deliberately, then mistakes of the law due to the dereliction of duty of the subordinate. The applicant is seeking the same information In simple and short sentence. Please provide the CD of the court functioning dated 11-10-2023. This date has been explained as the aforementioned as well as in the aforementioned RTI application which registration number is mentioned. The denial of the information is as follows.
On the said RTI Application, the report of Assistant Public Information Officer/Civil Judge (CD) Budaun was called. In compliance of which Assistant Public Information Officer / Assistant Public Information Officer/ Civil Judge (CD) Badaun has sent the report as Paper No. 6C to the effect that the above subject matter is to be respectfully conveyed that in respect of the application submitted by the applicant Shri Vimal Kumar Rastogi , Allahabad High Court (right to Information) rules, 2005 As per Rule-4 of the RTE Act, the fee marking for each question is payable and the online marking amount of Rs. 50/- is shown as paid as application fee on the application form, but the applicant has asked for a copy of the CD and information about the first hearing of the suit has been sought, according to the above, two questions have been asked by the applicant in his application. The fee so paid is inadequate. Therefore, in my opinion, due to inadequate fee, it is not justified to provide the said information. For more details, please take a glance of the attached PDF document to this RTI online application.
Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))
RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-
Registration Number DNBDU/R/2024/60009
Date of Filing 12/04/2024
PIO of Public Authority approached SUYASH PRAKASH SRIVASTAVA
Phone No 05832267223
Email Id
PIO Order/Decision Number Details not provided
* PIO Order/Decision Date
Registration Number DNBDU/A/2024/60003
Name Vimal Kumar Rastogi
Date of Filing 28/08/2024
Status RTI APPEAL RECEIVED as on 28/08/2024
  Nodal Officer Details  
Name District Court Budaun


  1. Our judiciary does not like transparency and accountability in its working which is the root cause they are not providing information under right to information act 2005.

  2. Here this question arises that why the staff of the district court Budaun do not want to provide CD of the court functioning which is evident from the procrastination on the matter by the public information officer of the district court Budaun.


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