Second appeal against DIOS Mirzapur Devki Singh for not providing information of Lions

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Second Appeal under section 19(3) of the Right to Information Act, 2005

Appeal Registration Number - A-20240700976

Appellant's Particulars

Applied Date : 12/07/2024 05:44:20 AM

Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male



Town/Village मिर्जापुर

Pincode 231001

Mobile Number 7379105911


Address सुरेकापुरम कॉलोनी जबलपुर रोड मिर्जापुर सिटी



Division Mirzapur

District Mirzapur

Office District School Inspector Mirzapur

Details of Request for obtaining information under section 6(1) of RTI Act, 2005

Date of RTI application under section 6(1) 21-01-2024

Is the Applicant below poverty line? No

Section 6(1) Application No. DRSED/R/2024/60022

Section 6(1) Transaction ID DRSEDR20240000000034

Action Taken by Public Information Officer(PIO)

Answer of P.I.O. Not providing Information in Stipulated Time

Date of PIO Reply ---

Public Information Officer Details


Address Public Information Officer Office - District School Inspector Mirzapur

Pincode 231001

Mobile Number 9454457369


Details of First Appeal

Date of First Appeal application under Section 19(1) 09-04-2024


Address First Appellate Authority Office - District School Inspector Mirzapur

Pincode 231001

Mobile Number 9454457525


FAA Address Details

Answer of First Appellate Authority (FAA) There is no answer

Date of Order ---


Relief sought under Section 19(3)- Second Appeal of the Right to Information Act, 2005 Public information officer did not entertain RTI application within time 30 days as prescribed under subsection 1 of section 7 of the right to information act 2005 and still they have not provided any

Other Supporting Documents

Document-1 Details Supporting document

Document-2 Details Appeal status

Hearing Option

Hearing Type Offline

Online Hearing Mobile ---

Online Hearing Email ---


 I hereby state that the information and particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that this matter is not previously filed with this commission nor is pending with any Court or tribunal or authority.

Documents Enclosure

Scanned copy of the signed second appeal u/s 19(3) of the Right to Information Act,2005



Copy of RTI Application under section 6(1)

Copy of First Appeal under section 19(1)


Chief Information Commissioner/ Companion Information Commissioners

7/7A, RTI Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-226010

Details of the appellant-Mohalla Surekapuram colony, Jabalpur Road, Sangmohal post office, District-Mirzapur, Pincode    231001,State     Uttar Pradesh, Mobile number 7379105911

Details of the respondents-

1-PIO of Public Authority approached- PIO DIOS MIRZAPUR DEVKI SINGH

, Designation- District Inspector of School

Phone No 9454457369, Email Id-,

District-Mirzapur, PIN Code-231001

2-Concerned Appellate Authority-      FAA JD MIRZPUR KAMTA RAM PAL, Telephone Number:-       9454457525,

Email Id:-,

District Mirzapur, Pin code 231001

Prayer- Public information officer did not entertain RTI application within time 30 days as prescribed under subsection 1 of section 7 of the right to information act 2005 and still they have not provided any information. First appellate authority also did not entertain the RTI appeal submitted by the appellant online.

Short submissions of the appellant are as follows.

1-From the following status it is quite obvious that nodal officer forwarded the matter to the public information officer of directorate of secondary education on 25th January 2024 and the appellant submitted this application before the public information officer on 21st January 2024 online through the rti portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh.

2-It is quite obvious that more than 5 months passed but concerned public information officer did not provide any information to the appellant as well as he did not make any communication with the appellant in order to provide the information to the appellant which is violation of subsection 1 of section 7 of the right to information act 2005 so must be taken into account by the most respected sir.

3- Most respected sir please take a glance of the current status of the submitted RTI application on the RTI portal of Uttar Pradesh.

Registration Number      DRSED/R/2024/60022

Name            Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing          21/01/2024

Status           REQUEST TRANSFERRED TO OTHER PIO as on 25/01/2024

Details of PIO :- Telephone Number:- 9454457369, Email Id:-

Note :- You are advised to contact the above mentioned officer for further details.

4-Right to information act 2005 was introduced by government of India during the regime of Congress to promote transparency and accountability in the working of public authorities so that growing corruption in the working of public authorities could be controlled till some extent but it seems that because of the anarchy in the working of the public authorities and transparency ombudsman, no information is being provided by the public information officers to the information seekers which reflects the jungle rule in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

5-The matter concerns to provide affiliation to a fraud institution lions school which management cheated the municipality Mirzapur City by taking the lease of the land at the rupees 50 per annum.

 It is quite obvious from the papers of the lease of the land provided by the municipality which was taken by the Lions Club @ Rs.50 per annum to develop the garden for the children belonging to the weaker and downtrodden section but now they are running commercial institutions by taking recognition from the board of secondary education.

They must provide the reason to allow a commercial institution by providing recognition to Lions Club because it is cheating.

Extension of lease of land of municipality to Lions club which costs millions of rupees @50 per annum is a scam of Yogi government.

6-The appellant is again attaching documents of the lease with the appeal which must be perused by the most respected sir so that action must be taken against the public information officer who is shielding the corrupt people amassing huge wealth through fraudulent activities.

This is a humble request of the appellant to the most respected sir to be instrumental in providing the information to the appellant by directing the public information officer at the earliest and Impose pecuniary penalty on the public information officer under section 20 of the right to information actor 2005 for wilful denial of information by the public information officer who is taking under teeth the provisions of right to information act 2005.

6- The appellant sought following information from the public information officer.

1-Registration Number DRSED/R/2021/80725, Name Yogi M P Singh, Date of Filing 21/09/2021, Status REQUEST FORWARDED TO PIO as on 27/09/2021, Details of PIO :- Telephone Number:- 9454457369, Email Id:-, Note :- You are advised to contact the above mentioned officer for further details.

Provide the reason for not providing information even after the transfer of the RTI application to your department, quite obvious from the aforementioned status.

2-Provide the details of public staff who processed the representation of the applicant cum information seeker dated 27th August 2021 attached as the third page to the pdf documents to this application.

3-Provide the reason as required under subsection 1 d of section 4 of the right to information act 2005. of rejecting or if any decision taken regarding the representation dated 27th August 2021 to the information seeker. Also provide the action taken on this representation of the applicant.

4- It is quite obvious from the papers of the lease of the land provided by the municipality which was taken by the Lions Club @ Rs.50 per annum to develop the garden for the children belonging to the weaker and downtrodden section but now they are running commercial institution by taking recognition from the board of secondary education.

Please provide the reason to allow a commercial institution by providing recognition to Lions Club because it is cheating.

5-Provide the copy of the communication of Lions club or Lions school management on which the government took the decision to grant recognition to run a commercial institution against the terms and condition of the agreement of the lease.

This is a humble request of your applicant to you Hon'ble Sir that how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness, and chaos arbitrarily by making the mockery of law of land? There is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your appellant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.

Date-12/07/2024                                                Yours sincerely


Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911,

Mohalla- Surekapuram colony, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar

Pradesh, PIN code-231001.


An anti-corruption crusader. Motive to build a strong society based on the principle of universal brotherhood. Human rights defender and RTI activist.

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