Transactions of Rs.343877662 by misusing PAN and police could not reach to offenders

Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0025023

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Mahesh Pratap Singh alias Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Uttar Pradesh

Grievance Description

The matter concerns the working of the circle officer City district Mirzapur under the supervision of the superintendent of police district Mirzapur and following is the first information report details in the matter of fraud.

N.C.R.B (एन.सी.आर.बी) I.I.F.-I (एकीकृत जाँच फार्म -1) FIRST INFORMATION REPORT

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.) प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट (धारा 154 दंड प्रक्रिया सहिता के तहत)

District (जिला): मिर्जापुर P.S. कोतवाली कटरा (थाना): FIR No.0291, Year 2023 (वर्ष):

Date & Time of FIR (प्र.सू.रि. की दिनांक/समय): 11/11/2023 13:39

- S.No. Acts (अधिनियम) (क्र.स.)

Sections (धारा(एँ)) 1 भादं से 1860, 420, 2 सूचना प्रोधौगिकी (सशोधन) अधिनियम 2008, 66C

3 सूचना प्रोधौगिकी (सशोधन) अधिनियम 2008, 66D

(a) Occurrence of offence (अपराध की घटना) :1.Day शनिवार

Time Period (समय अवधि):

Date From 11/11/2023 (दिनांक से ):Date To 11/11/2023 (दिनांक तक ):

Most respected sir, for more details, the representation of the applicant to register the first information report and the copy of the first information report is attached to the grievance so it is humble request to the concerned the staff of the government to take the perusal after attached document to the grievance.

It is most unfortunate that 5 months have passed since the date when the first information report was registered by concerned police, but it is most unfortunate no offender has been booked by the concerned police in the matter when the voluminous records concerning the transaction details were provided by the applicant to the concerned police.

It is quite obvious that last year this amount was near about Rs.16,00,00,000 and this year it has reached to Rs.34,00,00,000 this is mockery of the law of land. Whether such anarchy reflects the good governance in state of Uttar Pradesh and excellent efficiency of the police? Think about the gravity of situation illegal transactions by misusing permanent account number of the applicant has been doubled and police are saying that it is investigating the matter and Department of income tax has taken 3rd tax evasion petition. Some significant information available with the Income Tax Department includes the following: Business receipts - Rs 4,65,76,920 GST purchases - Rs 12,20,99,234, GST turnover - Rs 16,32,92,127, Rent received - Rs 1,19,09,381,Total amount- Rs.343877662 Whether it is not reflecting the forest rule in this largest democracy in the world quite obvious from the lackadaisical approach of the concerned accountable public staff in dealing with the matter?

3 TEP in I.T. and 1 FIR in police, failed to restrain fraudulent elements from doing more transaction of Rs.18,00,00,000 by misusing PAN.

Mobile number -7024188072 and email- given in annual information report do not belong to complainant. This mobile number and email is the cause of the entire trauma of the complainant. This person misused my PAN by colluding with the department of income tax. Whether the Department of income tax served notices on the above mobile number and email through information of the annual information statement has been uploaded on the website of the Department of income tax.

Permanent Account Number (PAN)-GSWPS0850Q Info Icon, Aadhaar Number- XXXX XXXX 9009, Name of Assessee-MAHESH PRATAP SINGH, Date of Birth- 22/06/1971, Mobile Number-7024188072, E-mail Address-


From the new recent email sent by the Department of income tax this amount Rs 16,32,92,127 has increased to Rs.343877662 Which means in one year there is an increase of rupees 18,00,00,000 in the illegal transaction by misusing the PAN of the applicant.

The applicant requested Inspector Kotwali Katra District Mirzapur to register to register F.I.R. under Section 466, 467,468,469,420, IT Act, 471 of I.P.C. against Manish Mishra, CIT e-Verification and Mohammad Daud Ahmad, Income Tax Officer (I & Cr I)

Grievance Document

Current Status

Case closed   

Date of Action



महोदय, जांच आख्या संलग्न है संदर्भित प्रकरण मे गहराई से जॉच किया गया तथा थाना प्रभारी को0 कटरा से आख्या प्राप्त किया गया तो पाया गया की आवेदक उपरोक्त पते का निवासी है जॉच से ज्ञात हुआ की आवेदक महेश प्रताप सिंह पुत्र राजेन्द्र प्रताप सिंह निवासी उपरोक्त का किसी अज्ञात व्यक्ति द्वारा फर्जी पैन कार्ड बनवाकर अलगअलग बैंको में खाता खुलवा कर आवेदक के नाम से पैसे का लेनदेन किया जा रहा था जिसकी जानकारी आवेदक को होने के पश्चात पर थाना स्थानीय पर दी गयी लिखित तहरीरी के आधार पर दिनांक11.11.2023 को मुकदमा अपराध संख्या29123 धारा जाँच आख्या सादर सेवा में प्रेषित है

Reply Document




Rating Remarks

It is quite of you that Police registered the first information report on 11th November 2023 which means more than 6 months passed and police could not trace the offenders who misused the PAN of the applicant. There are numerous transactions which are in more than 30 pages made available to the concerned police officer but it is most unfortunate that Police is not investigating the PAN card holders who are available in the transaction records through which police can reach the actual offenders. Whether it is not showing the inefficiency and neutrality of the police to the growing offences in the society and providing the space to the offenders by adopting lackadaisical approach to the criminal activities of the offenders. There are certain account s in the transaction details which are still active and police is not investigating the matter which is providing the safe Haven to the offenders by adopting such neutrality to the offenders committed the offences of misusing the PAN.

Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)

Organisation name

Government of Uttar Pradesh

Contact Address

Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow

Email Address

Contact Number


To see the attached document to the grievance, please click on the link

To see the transaction details, please click on the link

Beerbhadra Singh

To write blogs and applications for the deprived sections who can not raise their voices to stop their human rights violations by corrupt bureaucrats and executives.

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