अपर मिशन निदेशक,
राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन,
उ०प्र० ।
सेवा में.
नोडल अधिकारी, आई०जी०आर०एस०,
एस०पी०एम०यू०. एन०एच०एम०
उ०प्र०, लखनऊ।
पत्रांकः 151/एसपीएमयू/एच०आर०/ जनसुनवाई/2024-25/1276
दिनांक: 07-06-2024
कृपया नोडल अधिकारी-आई०जी०आर०एस०, राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन, उ०प्र० के पत्र संख्याः
एस०पी०एम०यू०/एन०एच०एम०/एम०एण्ड०ई०/ ज०सु०/मा०सं०/2022-23/52(02)/717 दिनांक
09.05.2024 का सन्दर्भ ग्रहण करना चाहें, जोकि योगी एम०पी०सिंह की (आई०जी०आर०एस०) संदर्भ
संख्या 60000240068109 दिनांक 24.03.2024 द्वारा राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन, उ०प्र० के अन्तर्गत 17000+
भर्ती प्रकिया से सम्बन्धित है।
राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन, उ०प्र० के अन्तर्गत दिनांक 26.11.2022 को संविदा रिक्त पदों हेतु
विज्ञापित 17000+ भर्ती परीक्षा के अन्तर्गत इच्छुक अभ्यर्थी द्वारा क्यू०आर० कोड बेस्ड कोविड
एक्सपीरियन्स सर्टिफिकेट अपलोड किये जाने हेतु निम्नलिखित प्रावधान / दिशा-निर्देश थे।
(iii)- Candidate engaged for COVID Management as outsourced/temporary HR/contractual and
worked at Public Health facilities and/or worked for Management of COVID through
administration under Department of Medical Health and Medical Education in Uttar
Pradesh on fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria after obtaining minimum qualifying
marks in CBT will be given additional percentage marks as per follows: -
1. 05% Marks-who completed six months (cumulative) of active engagement.
2. 10% Marks-who completed One year (cumulative) of active engagement.
3. 15% Marks who completed One year and six months (cumulative) of active
Minimum Qualifying marks in the Computer Based Test (CBT)
Minimum 33% marks i.e. 33
Marks out of 100
OBC (Non Creamy Layer)
Minimum 30% marks
i.e. 30 Marks out of 100
Minimum 24% marks i.e.
24 Marks out of 100
For Example: If any Un-Reserved candidate obtained <33% marks in CBT, S/he shall not be eligible
for the aforesaid defined additional percentage marks. If Un-Reserved candidate obtained >=33%
marks, then only S/he shall be eligible for the additional percentage marks.
(iv)- For availing Covid Experience Certificate:
Candidate is being advised to apply at least 7 days prior to last date of submission of online
application at concern District with self-hand-written application with valid/live mobile
number for the aforesaid experience certificate and same mobile number should be used
while filling the online application form. Candidate also ensure to obtain the experience
certificate on time to fill online application form. Failure of the same shall be the sole
responsibility of the candidate and NHM, UP shall not be held responsible for the same and
recruitment drive will not be affected due to this failure.
Only QR Code Based certificate generated through online portal issued by concern District
shall only be considered valid for obtaining COVID experience weightage.
(v)- Candidate must upload their COVID experience Certificate issued by concerned District on
prescribed Format and in such a manner as generated through Portal by the Department.
--- OCR End ---
Candidate who has already obtained QR Code based COVID experience Certificate from
concerned District need not to apply for COVID experience Certificate again. Earlier issued QR
Code based certificate, if any shall be uploaded by candidate at the time of online submission
of application.
(vii)- If at any stage, it will found that candidate obtain his/her Covid Experience certificate by any
wrongful means, his/her candidature shall be cancelled.
उक्त भर्ती प्रकिया में आवेदन करने वाले कुल 2,91,769 अभ्यर्थियों में से 24,567 अभ्यर्थियों द्वारा
कोविड एक्सपीरियन्स वेटेज के लिये आवेदन किया गया था, जिसमें से कुल 3,521 यूनीक अभ्यर्थियों ने
वांछित क्यू०आर० कोड बेस्ड एक्सपीरियन्स सर्टिफिकेट अपलोड किया था। 3,521 अभ्यर्थियों में से कुल
663 अभ्यर्थी विभिन्न पदों के लिये शार्टलिस्ट हुये। अतः अभ्यर्थियों को कोविड सेवाकाल का लाभ नहीं
दिये जाने का आरोप पूर्णतया गलत है।
> उपरोक्त भर्ती प्रकिया में अभी तक कोई प्रतीक्षा सूची जारी नहीं की गयी है। अतः यह आरोप
लगाना कि प्रतीक्षा सूची Back door से भरी जायेगी, पूर्णतया बेबुनियाद एवं गलत है।
> उपरोक्त भर्ती प्रक्रिया को पूरी पारदर्शिता एवं निष्पक्षता के साथ सम्पादित किये जाने हेतु निर्देश
प्रेषित थे। उक्त भर्ती प्रक्रिया का पदवार श्रेणीवार कटऑफ की सूचना आपको दिनांक 16.04.
2024 को पूर्व में ही प्रेषित की जा चुकी है।
> दिनांक 26.11.2022 को संविदा रिक्त पदों हेतु विज्ञापित 17000+ भर्ती परीक्षा में शार्टलिस्टेड
अभ्यर्थियों के लिये जनपद स्तर पर 03 सदस्यीय सत्यापन कमेटी का गठन करते हुये
ए०सी०एम०ओ० (आर०सी०एच०), जिला कार्यक्रम प्रबंधक एवं जिला लेखा प्रबंधक को दस्तावेज
सत्यापन हेतु नामित किया गया है। उपरोक्त सत्यापन कमेटी द्वारा शार्टलिस्टेड अभ्यर्थियो द्वारा
प्रस्तुत वांछित दस्तावेजों का विज्ञापित विज्ञापन में वर्णित वांछित योग्यता के आधार पर
सफलतापूर्वक सत्यापन उपरान्त ही योगदान आख्या स्वीकार किये जाने एवं तदोपरान्त नियुक्ति
एवं तैनाती आदेश निर्गत किये जाने हेतु निर्देशित किया गया है।
➤ श्री महेश प्रताप सिंह ऊर्फ योगी एम०पी० सिंह द्वारा पूर्व में प्रेषित पत्रों का समय-समय पर
यथा दिनांक 23.02.2024, 12.03.2024, 14.03.2024 को उत्तर दिया जा चुका है। अतः
महाप्रबन्धक (मानव संसाधन) पर लगाये गये आरोप बिना किसी दस्तावेज एवं सबूत के आभाव
में पूर्णतया बेबुनियाद है।
उक्त सूचनार्थ हेतु प्रेषित।
(धीरेन्द्र सिंह सचान)
अपर मिशन निदेशक
--- OCR End ---
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0020945
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
The matter concerns the working of General Manager, HR, SPMU, National Health Mission, U.P. which comes under the ambit of Chief Minister Office of the Government of Uttar Pradesh.
Report No. 9657 dated 12.03.2024 sent by General Manager, HR, SPMU, National Health Mission, U.P. Regarding reference number 60000240035827 is forwarded.
How can such an inefficient individual occupy such a key post is a matter of concern? Think about the rampant corruption in conducting the process of appointment in which still the concerned did not issue the list of the candidates who are in the waiting list despite the fact that there are so many vacancies in the various districts which are yet to be filled.
To issue the list of candidates who are awaiting in the waiting list of the candidates, quite obvious from the facts there our vacancies lying vacant in the districts of Uttar Pradesh which could not be filled by the shortlisted candidates even after undue time was granted to them. If there is transparency and accountability in the working of the public authority and the agency which has been allotted the job to conduct the process of appointment of contractual staff. The selective concentration of the staff on shortlisted candidates itself creates questions on the integrity of the few staff and the delay in the issue of the list of candidates of the aspirants in the waiting list.
It is quite obvious that concerned staff of the national health mission disposed of the following grievance by submitting an arbitrary and inconsistent report which is attached as the second page of the attached pdf document to the grievance.Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0011281
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh, Date of Receipt-16/02/2024, Received By Ministry/Department-Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description-An application under article 51 A of the constitution of India to make inquiry regarding the corruption prevailed on large scale irregularities in the process of appointment carried out by the national health mission concerned with the government of Uttar Pradesh.
It is quite obvious that concerned officer of the government of Uttar Pradesh submitted arbitrary and inconsistent report in the matter without taking the perusal of the contents of the grievance which is quite obvious from the fact that she did not touch the submissions made in the complaint by the complainant which is a mockery of the law of land and action must be taken against the staff who are trying to conceal the irregularities committed in the processing of the process of the appointment.
On one side of the screen yogi government is claiming to provide good governance in the state of Uttar Pradesh but on the other side of the screen staff of the government are not maintaining transparency and accountability in the process of appointment being carried out by them showing rule of anarchy in the governance in the state. Only to say that we are providing good governance to the people in the state before the print and electronic media is not a good governance if people are facing rule of anarchy at the place of transparency and accountability.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
महाप्रबन्धक, मानव संसाधन , एस0पी0एम0यू, राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन, उ0प्र0 के द्वारा संदर्भ संख्या 60000240068109 के सम्बन्ध में प्रेषित आख्या पत्र संख्या 1276 दिनांक 07.06.2024 अग्रसारित है
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
According to the reply of the department there is transparency and accountability in the recruitment process of the national health mission but the factual position is that there is nothing like it. In the reply concerned staff of the government itself accepted that no appointment has been done concerning the waiting list. It is noticeable that still there are so many vacancies and those vacancies are not filled up which is required to be filled up so waiting list must be used to fill up the candidates as required under the law. Not to fill up vacancies from the waiting list it is itself showing that there is cryptic dealing in the working of the recruitment agency and reflecting the suspicious behaviour must be rectified by the concerned staff of the recruiting agency. Only to say that I am honest no one may be honest unless his honesty may be proved. Undoubtedly I have made certain allegations but those allegations have not been probed and no extra measures have been taken.
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number
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