Kamlesh Singh requested to SHO Jigna to take action against Dilip Singh S/O Raghuvar Dayal Singh for hurling abuses
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2024/0030856
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Kamlesh Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
Sir, the case is related to the police station in-charge of Jigna police station, Mirzapur district, police circle Lalganj, Mirzapur district.
महोदय प्रकरण का संबंध थाना अध्यक्ष पुलिस स्टेशन जिगना जनपद मिर्जापुर पुलिस सर्किल लालगंज जनपद मिर्जापुर से संबंधित है
श्रीमान जी दिलीप सिंह पुत्र रघुवर दयाल सिंह ने प्रार्थी के जीवन को नर्क बना दिया है
Sir, Dilip Singh son of Raghuvar Dayal Singh has made the life of applicant hell.
श्रीमान जी प्रार्थी द्वारा 10 विश्वा गन्ने की खेती की गई है और जब भी प्रार्थी गन्ने के खेत में गुड़ाई करने जाता है तो दिलीप सिंह पुत्र रघुवर दयाल सिंह प्रार्थी को गालियां देते हैं और मारने की धमकी देते हैं प्रार्थी चुपचाप सह लेता है जिससे की बात आगे ना बढ़े
Sir, the applicant has cultivated 10 Vishwa sugarcane and whenever the applicant goes to the field to weed the sugarcane, Dilip Singh, son of Raghuvar Dayal Singh, abuses the applicant and threatens to kill him. The applicant tolerates it silently so that the matter does not escalate further.
श्रीमान जी प्रार्थी अकेला है और वे लोग संख्या में काफी ज्यादा है जिसके कारण दिलीप सिंह पुत्र रघुवर दयाल सिंह प्रार्थी का जीना नर्क बना दिया है कृपया प्रकरण में उचित कार्यवाही करें जिससे कि दिलीप सिंह पुत्र रघुवर दयाल सिंह के अराजकता पूर्ण कार्यशैली ली पर अंकुश लगे
Sir, the applicant is alone and those people are very large in number due to which Dilip Singh son of Raghuvar Dayal Singh has made the applicant's life hell. Please take appropriate action in the case so that the anarchic working style of Dilip Singh son of Raghuvar Dayal Singh could be curbed.
श्रीमान जी दिलीप सिंह पुत्र रघुवर दयाल सिंह एक आपराधिक प्रवृत्ति के व्यक्ति हैं उन पर अपराधिक विधि संहिता और भारतीय दंड विधान की कई धाराओं के तहत मुकदमा दर्ज है तथा हरे पेड़ काटने का भी मुकदमा है वह लाखों रुपए की सरकार की स्टांप चोरी भी किए हुए हैं उनका उनके ऊपर बिजली चोरी का भी मुकदमा चल रहा है इसलिए श्रीमान जी ऐसे सातिर अपराधी से प्रार्थी की रक्षा करें
Sir Dilip Singh son of Raghuvar Dayal Singh is a person of criminal tendency. Cases have been registered against him under several sections of Criminal Procedure Code and Indian Penal Code and there is also a case of cutting green trees. He has also stolen government stamps worth lakhs of rupees. A case of electricity theft is also going on against him, so Sir please protect the applicant from such a cunning criminal.
Complaint No- 60000230077406 In the complaint number 60000230077406 received on the Jansunwai Portal, a complaint of stamp theft has been lodged by the complainant Shri Kamlesh Singh. Regarding the complaint made by the complainant, it is to be informed that in the order of the complaint in question, the Deputy Registrar Sadar has issued account sheet numbers 13783/2021 and 13784/ 2021. The site inspection was done on 21.04.2023 in the presence of complainant Shri Kamlesh Singh. In account number 13783/2021, the reduction stamp duty is Rs. 1.90.750/- and the reduction registration fee is Rs. 38,890/- Total reduction is Rs. 229,640/- and Accounts No. 13784/- 2021, the reduction stamp duty has been sent to the undersigned office for recovery indicating the reduction stamp duty of Rs. 36,050/- and reduction settlement fee of Rs. 7.950/- to the undersigned office for recovery indicating the total reduction of Rs. 44,000/-, which has been recorded on the website of the Revenue Council, whose stamp case number is D202316530000370 and D2023165000370 respectively. The case is disposed of as it is not related to this office. 25-04-2022 (Krishna Kumar Yadav) Assistant Inspector General Of Registration, Mirzapur.
For the more details, please take the perusal of the attached PDF document to the grievance.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Grievance received
Date of Action
Officer Concerns To
Forwarded to
Uttar Pradesh
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
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