Rural Development transferred RTI application of Urmila Devi to commissioner rural development

Registration Number DPTRD/R/2024/60180

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 22/02/2024


Details of Public Autority :- Commissioner Rural Development.

vide registration number :- COMRD/R/2024/80222 respectively.

Note:- Further details will be available on viewing the status of the above-mentioned new request registration number.

  Nodal Officer Details  

Name Dharmendra Kumar Pathak

Telephone Number 9454413326


Registration Number COMRD/R/2024/80222

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 01/03/2024

Status RTI REQUEST RECEIVED as on 01/03/2024

  Nodal Officer Details  


Telephone Number 05222286014


Online RTI Request Form Details

Public Authority Details :-  

* Public Authority Commissioner Rural Development  

Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

Registration Number COMRD/R/2024/80222

Date of Filing 01/03/2024

* Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Jabalpur Road, Sangmohal post office

Districts Details not provided

Pincode 231001

State Uttar Pradesh

Educational Status Literate

  Above Graduate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-7379105911

Email-ID yogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No

RTI Application Details u/s 6(1) :-

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Description of Information Sought An application on behalf of Urmila Devi W/O Bhola Shankar resident of village panchayat- Nagaon, Post- Nadini, Development Block- Chhanvey, police station- Vindhyachal, District-Mirzapur, PIN code 231303 mobile number- 7309911590

The matter concerns the working of the chief development officer Mirzapur and a representation was submitted by the aggrieved applicant Urmila Devi W/O Bhola Shankar belonging to the scheduled caste.

The matter concerns the demanding of bribe of Rs.20,000 by the village development officer/ secretary of the village panchayat Mr Dileep Vishwakarma which is quite obvious from the first page of the attached pdf document to the application submitted by the aggrieved applicant before the chief development officer Mirzapur.

Public information officer in the office of Chief Development Officer District Mirzapur must provide the following information point-wise as follows.

1- Public information officer must provide the action taken by the chief development officer on the representation of the aggrieved applicant Urmila Devi W/O Bhola Shankar which is attached as the first page to the pdf documents attached with the application.

2- Public information officer must provide the name and designation with posting details of the staff who prepared the beneficiary list for the awas in village panchayat  village panchayat- Nagaon, Post- Nadini, Development Block- Chhanvey, police station- Vindhyachal, District-Mirzapur, PIN code 231303 attached as the 3rd and 4th page to the pdf document a ticed with the application.

3- The aggrieved applicant through her son submitted a grievance on the Jansunwai portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh in which a report was submitted on the part of Chief Development Officer Mirzapur on 30-08-2021. For the more details please take a glance at page 6 and 7 of the attached pdf document to the application.

Public information officer must provide the notings, minutes of proceedings and communications exchanged before submitting this report on the Jansunwai portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh.

Public information officer must also provide the photographs of Pucca House of the aggrieved applicant submitted by the concerned staff under the supervision of chief development officer on the Jansunwai portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh.

4- Public information officer must provide the name and designation of the public staff who is the mastermind behind these corrupt practices of demanding Rs.20,000 as bribe for providing the Avas and Latrine to the beneficiaries.

5- If any inquiry has been ordered by the chief development officer on the representation of the aggrieved applicant then public information officer must provide the current status of the inquiry and if the chief development officer did not take any action on the representation of the aggrieved applicant concerning alleged corruption then provide the reason of it as right to reason is the indispensable part of the sound administrative system.

Public information officer must provide five-points information within stipulated 30 days as prescribed under subsection one of section 7 of the right to information act 2005.

* Concerned PIO Nodal Officer

Designation Details not provided.

Phone No Details not provided.

Email Id Details not provided.

Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))

To see the attached document to the RTI application, please click on the link
