Sanjay Kumar Pandey Designation DDIT provided information of R. K. Mahajan instead of Yogi M P Singh


Respected first appellate authority of the Department of income tax belonging to the public authority directorate general of income tax vigilance, Central public information officer of the department made the mockery of the provisions of right to information act 2005.

Mr Sanjay Kumar Pandey showed his insolence and arrogance by acting in a schizophrenic way in providing information to the information seeker which reflects inscrutable face of sphinx. Our deterioration is because of rampant corruption in the financial sector and Department of income tax is playing key role in it. Here this question arises that why the office of the Director General of income tax vigilance cell is running away from taking action against a syndicate indulged in mass scale tax evasion through forgery.

The brief description of the submissions of the appellant may be summarised as follows.

1-    The detail of the Appellant is as follows.

Name Yogi M P Singh, Address   Surekapuram colony, Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir , Riva Road, Mirzapur city PIN Code 231001, Country      India, State   Uttar Pradesh

2-    Central public information officer named Mr Sanjay Kumar Pandey Designation DDIT in the headquarter of Director General vigilance New Delhi provided the information to the appellant which addresses is follows.

Shri R.K. Mahajan,18, Gopal Park,Near Charbati Chowk,Kapurthala (Punjab).

Sub: Applications under RTI Act,2005 -regarding.

Please refer to your RTI application dated22.08.2023 received in this office on 22.08.2023.

3-    The registration detail of the appellant in the submitted RTI application is as follows.

Registration Number         DGIVN/R/E/23/00100, Name      Yogi M P Singh, Date of Filing           25-08-2023

4-    The Appellant sought the following information from the central public information officer.

Sought information-Central public Information Officer may provide the following formation to the information seeker. 

1-The Vigilance set-up of the Income Tax Department is headed by the Director General of Income Tax (Vigilance). He is also the Chief Vigilance Officer of the organisation. He is responsible for taking the initial decision on complaints against Group-A officers. He is also required to maintain an up to date record of such complaints and their latest status, through the prescribed registers, for submission of quarterly reports to the CVC, DOP&T etc. All the complaints against Group-A officers are, therefore, required to be forwarded to him for registration in the CVC's register as well as for further necessary action. 

Please provide information whether Huge scandal regarding misuse of PAN card and huge loss to the public exchequer unearthed by G.B. Nagar police is in the cognizance of the department and the department is taking action on it.

2-Whether G.B. Nagar police informed the matter to the department or accountable staff of department are mute spectators of media reports regarding the huge scandal concerning the income tax not feasible without cooperation of staff of the department. Please provide information.

3-Please provide the name and posting details of the C.V.O. Also provide the information whether he is taking cognizance of the reference matter or not. 

4-Provide the communication details exchanged with the Gautam Buddha Nagar police in the matter I do not need the copy of the communications. 

CPIO May provide the aforementioned 4-point information within stipulated time of 30 days as prescribed under subsection 1 of section 7 of the right to information act 2005.

5-    Central public information officer of the directorate general of income tax vigilance second floor, Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium new Delhi pin code-110003 Provided following information.



Information Sought

i) Date and receipt No. vide which applicant's RTI Application dated 04.08.2023 has been received and diarized in your office.

Reply-DGIVN/NT/2 i /0 0 0 I I dated 2 2 /0 8/2 0 2 3


ii) Date and receipt No. when the aforesaid applicant' s complaint dated 10.04.2023 accompanied by and affidavit dated 09.04.2023 were received and diarized in your office.

Reply-266-G dated 13.04.2023

iii) Action taken upon this complaint duly corroborated by an affidavit may kindly be intimated.

Reply-Forwarded vide F. No. DGIT(Yig.)/R.K. Mahajan/CPGMMS/Complaints/745 dtaed 0 4. 0 5. 2 0 2 3 to Deputy Se cr etary (P ers onne l), AD - l, Vigilance, Deparment of Revenue, Vigilance Cell-Hqrs. North Block, New Delhi- I I 000 l.

6-    Here it is quite obvious that central public information officer Mr Sanjay Kumar Pandey committed blunder in providing information to the information seeker quite obvious from the provided information by him. He has provided the information of Mr R. K. Mahajan at the place of Yogi M P Singh which is a mockery of the provisions of right to information act 2005 so disciplinary proceedings must be initiated against the central public information officer in the office of directorate general vigilance new Delhi.

7-    It is quite obvious that the matter concerns the deep rooted corruption in the working of the Department of income tax which is the Root-Cause, central Public Information Officer Mr Sanjay Kumar Pandey is making efforts to conceal the information from the information seeker as it has been usual practise that department of income tax does not take any action in the matter concerning with the corruption in the Department of income tax because this corruption is coordinated from senior rank in administrative hierarchy to the bottom. 

Please initiate disciplinary proceedings against Sanjay Kumar Pandey who made the mockery of the provisions of right to information act 2005 by taking under teeth them and not providing information to the information seeker to achieve their ulterior design.

Your RTI Appeal filed successfully.

Please note down the details of registration.

Registration Number DGIVN/A/E/23/00007

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 22-09-2023

Appeal filed with Director General of Income Tax (Vigilance), New Delhi

 Contact Details  

Telephone Number 01121420813

Email Id

Online RTI Appeal Form Details

RTI Appeal Details :-  

RTI Appeal Registration number DGIVN/A/E/23/00007

Public Authority Director General of Income Tax (Vigilance), New Delhi  

Personal Details of Appellant:-

Request Registration Number DGIVN/R/E/23/00100

Request Registration Date 25/08/2023

Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

Address Surekapuram colony, Riva Road , Sri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Mirzapur city District Mirzapur

Country India

State Uttar Pradesh

Status Urban

Educational Status Literate

  Above Graduate

Phone Number 05911-

Mobile Number +91-7379105911

Email-ID yogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Appeal Details :-

Citizenship Indian

Is the Requester Below Poverty Line ? No

Ground For Appeal Provided Incomplete,Misleading or False Information

CPIO of Public Authority approached Pratibha Chaudhary

CPIO's Order/Decision Number Details not provided

CPIO's Order/Decision Date

(Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters)

Prayer or Relief Sought

Appeal document is attached to this online application in pdf form. Please take the perusal appeal document and take appropriate action in the matter concerning with the deep-rooted corruption.

Supporting document (only pdf upto 1 MB)

Enter Registration Number DGIVN/A/E/23/00007

Name Yogi M P Singh

Received Date 22/09/2023

Public Authority Director General of Income Tax (Vigilance), New Delhi


Date of action 22/09/2023

First Appellate Authority Details :- Details not provided

Nodal Officer Details :-

Telephone Number 01121420813

Email Id delhi[dot]ddit[dot]hq[dot]vig[dot]coord[at]incometax[dot]gov[dot]in

To see the attached document with this appeal, please click on the link
