Income tax says that Your feedback has been received and the information being displayed in AIS has been updated accordingly
Appeal Details
Appeal Number
Yogi M. P. Singh
Appeal Received Date
Reason Of Appeal
Now you have entire transactions as I have submitted but you are running away from taking action against your unethical businessman. He is pursuing his business under good faith of your corrupt staff.
Appeal Status
Appeal Closed (On 18/05/2023)
Closing Remarks
Dear complainant, Your feedback has been received and the information being displayed in AIS (processed and derived values) has been updated accordingly on the basis of your feedback. The helpdesk personnel have also explained the same through phone call discussion with you. Therefore, the appeal may be treated as settled.
Grievance Details
Registration Number
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of receipt
Mohalla Surekapuram Colony Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir Shri Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir
Uttar Pradesh
Mobile Number
Email ID
Phone Number
Not Provided
Grievance Description
Central Board of Direct Taxes (Income Tax) >> Corruption/Malpractices related (VCs, employees) >> Inaction by Income Tax Department
Name and Desination of Officer : Manish Mishra, CIT e-Verification
regional office / Office : DGIT(Systems) CPC, E-filing
An application under Article 51 A of the constitution of India to make enquiry regarding deep-rooted corruption in the working of department of income tax of India by colluding with corrupt staff of the department of income tax of India. Grievance Status for registration number : CBODT/E/2023/0007645
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh, Date of Receipt-07/02/2023, Received By Ministry/Department-Central Board of Direct Taxes (Income Tax)
Following information does not belong to the applicant Mobile Number-7024188072, E-mail Address- dngoldraipur18@gmail.comUndoubtedly, You know my email and mobile number on which you stream messages regarding high value transactions and income tax return. Everyone knows that my family is on the verge of hunger and I have no relation with these high value transactions and such cunning tricks are adopted by the corrupt staff of the department of income tax by colluding with unethical businessmen with the blessings of the senior rank bureaucrats and political masters in the country. MAHESH PRATAP SINGH(XXXXX0850X)
DIN: INSIGHT/CMP/01/2022-23/10230022276330001Date: 13-03-2023Assessment Year: 2023-24Financial Year: 2022-23FacelessAssessmentFacelessIncomeTaxWhy are you receiving this communication?
Dear Taxpayer, The Income Tax Department has received information on financial transactions/activities relating to MAHESH PRATAP SINGH PAN XXXXX0850X for Financial Year 2022-23 Assessment Year 2023-24.The details of the transactions may be viewed as under:
Business receipts - Rs 1,49,04,041GST purchases - Rs 5,99,33,331GST turnover - Rs 8,63,69,295
Action must be taken against Manish Mishra, CIT e-Verification Aayakar Bhawan, Vaishali, Sector-3, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Mobile number-7599103315 for sending irritating messages without proper verification on the email and mobile number of the applicant.
Transactions of Rs 16,12,06,667 concerning my PAN is showing failure and corruption of department of income tax of
Grievance Document
Final Reply
Dear complainant, With reference to CPGRAMS grievance filed by you, it is stated that under Annual Information Statement (AIS), information as received from different information sources (banks, post offices, etc.) has been displayed for validation. In case you observe any discrepancy, you may submit your response on the AIS portal, the details regarding which are mentioned in the attached document in detail. Therefore, the grievance may be treated as settled.
Final Reply Document
Communication Details
Sn. Date of Action Action From To
1 16/03/2023 RECEIVED THE GRIEVANCE You Central Board of Direct Taxes (Income Tax)
2 16/03/2023 REMINDER RECEIVED FROM COMPLAINANT You Central Board of Direct Taxes (Income Tax)
3 18/04/2023 CASE DISPOSED OF Central Board of Direct Taxes (Income Tax) You
To see the attached document to grievance, click on the link
Income tax is the most corrupt department of the Government of India so everything provided by the department of income tax can never be considered credible. There must be transparency and accountability in the working of the public authority income tax of India.