Credit card payment could be withheld by Yes Bank to cheater Club High Sky

Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2023/0084174

Grievance Concerns To

Name Of Complainant

Yogi M. P. Singh

Date of Receipt


Received By Ministry/Department

Prime Ministers Office

Grievance Description

Financial Services (Banking Division) >> Fraud

Department/Bank/Financial Institute : Other / Private Sector Bank.

An application under Article 51 A of the constitution of India on behalf of CA Ravi Pratap Singh Mobile - 9769800294 to make enquiry in regard to representation dated 12 May 2022 bearing subject Credit Card Payment Dispute Application - Yes Bank sent to To:, Ravi Gmail raviuday2002@gmail.comNow opposite party is proved defaulter and cheaters and despite my cautions with request you did not

Subject: CPGRAM Complaint No : DEABD/E/2023/0011746 // Name of the Complainant :Yogi M. P. Singh //Uttar Pradesh // CS230223000062

Dear Mr. Singh,

Greetings from YES BANK.

This is with reference to the complaint no. 0011746 lodged by you on CPGRAMS portal on February 13, 2023 regarding transaction on your YES BANK Credit Card.

We confirm that the Cardmember Dispute Form has been received by us. Please note regarding the transaction which happened on May 02, 2022 dispute has already been filed on the basis your request and the same was rejected by the member bank.

We request you to kindly approach the merchant for transaction cancellation.

Short submissions are as follows.

1-Please provide proof of a complaint filed by you before appropriate authority which may contain the date of submission.

2-It takes 48 hours in processing a transaction through a credit card. Why not a transaction withheld by you?

3-Why not outcome of oral and written complaints made by aggrieved CA Ravi Pratap Singh was intimated to him.

4-Please attach the copy of rejection of dispute to the report submitted by you to close  this grievance.

5-Date of impugned transaction 02 May 2022, subsequently oral complaints made and written complaints filed on 10 May 2022 by CA Ravi Pratap Singh. 

Please provide your action details and date when paid amount reached to the account of cheaters? Why did you not withhold the amount paid through credit card on the complaint of aggrieved Ravi Pratap Singh to customer care of the bank? Please put on light instead of cryptic approach.

Grievance Document

Current Status

Under process   

Date of Action


Officer Concerns To

Officer Name

Ms Betsy Rajagopal (General Manager)

Organisation name

Reserve Bank of India

Contact Address

Consumer Education and Protection Dept., Amar Building, 1st Floor, Sir P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai

Email Address

Contact Number


To see card dispute form, please click on the link
