Delhi High court directed Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society to repay investors money within two weeks but not a single penny paid
Grievance Status for registration number : MOCOP/E/2023/0001356
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Grievance Description
Cooperation >> Central Registrar and Cooperative Society >> Multi State Cooperative Society related matters >> Other Multi State Cooperative Society related issues
Society Name : Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal
Reference number from MSCS Act : 34016622102
RTI Request Registration number MCPRT/R/E/23/00125 Public Authority Ministry of Cooperation
Personal Details of RTI Applicant:- Name Yogi M P Singh,
The information sought from your office through the aforementioned application is attached herewith.
An application On behalf of Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya addressed as Main road Chaksaif, Kapoor Karpet Gali, District-Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi, PIN Code. 221401, Mobile number-8756871222.
Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya visited the branch at Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi but branch manager was not present in the office some how he managed the mobile number of branch manager and made call to branch manager. Branch manager told him that his nodal officer sits in Lucknow and no intimation sent by him regarding the payment of his dues if any such communication is received I will make call on registered Mobile number-8756871222 in the office.
Sir, you may send the matter to the nodal officer at Lucknow of the Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal.
Mr. Upadhyay submits that the petitioner societies have all the intention to repay all its investors/depositors without any delay. He submits that the petitioner societies, in fact, are in a position to repay all the members/depositors whose amount has become due and payable.
Mr. Upadhyay, learned senior counsel appearing for the petitioners has assured us that such members/investors/depositors shall be duly paid the amount found due and payable to them. Accordingly, we direct that the petitioners shall pay the amounts due to the members within two weeks of such determination being made. Proof of such payment shall be filed by the petitioners with the Central Registrar.
When the company is ready to pay the dues which means a matured amount of the investors then why staff of the central government are procrastinating on the complaints made by the investors. I have submitted more than two dozen complaints
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
Reply attached below.
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
Respected staff of the ministry of cooperation you have made available an unsigned report and not mentioning the name of the aggrieved applicant Om Prakash Maurya which is useless for the aggrieved applicant. Whether this bogus report submitted by you on the public grievance portal can be used officially by Om Prakash Maurya if not how can you submit a third grade bogus report on the public grievance portal in this arbitrary way? I had submitted the first grievance on the public grievance portal on this matter in the month of February 2021 and it is February 2023 which means 2 years passed but you did not provide any constructive result in the matter whether it is not mockery of the public grievance portal by the public staff. An application on behalf of Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya addressed as Main road Chaksaif, Kapoor Karpet Gali, District-Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi, PIN Code. 221401, Mobile number-8756871222
Appeal Details
Appeal Number
Date of Receipt
Appeal Text
Respected staff of the ministry of cooperation you have made available an unsigned report and not mentioning the name of the aggrieved applicant Om Prakash Maurya which is useless for the aggrieved applicant. Whether this bogus report submitted by you on the public grievance portal can be used officially by Om Prakash Maurya if not how can you submit a third grade bogus report on the public grievance portal in this arbitrary way? श्रीमान जी जब सहारा मल्टी स्टेट कोऑपरेटिव सोसायटी इन्वेस्टर्स का पैसा देने के लिए तैयार है तो रजिस्ट्रार कार्यालय का यह फर्ज बनता है कि वह समस्त आवेदनों को नियमानुसार कंपनी के नोडल ऑफिसर को उपलब्ध कराएं जिससे समस्त बकाए का भुगतान हो सके किंतु ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि सेंट्रल रजिस्टार कोऑपरेटिव सोसायटी खुद ही प्रकरण को हल नहीं करना चाहते हैं और मनमाना आख्या लगाकर प्रकरण को बंद कर रहे हैं जो कि ना तो देश के कानून के अनुसार है और ना ही स्वस्थ परंपरा का परिचायक है किंतु इस अराजकता में ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि विभागों में कोई भी अनुशासन है ही नहीं जो बार-बार लगाए जाने वाले मनमाने आख्या से स्पष्ट है इस धन के गलत परंपरा पर रोक लगनी चाहिए किंतु बिल्ली के गले में घंटी कौन बांधे यह मुख्य प्रश्न है जिस दिन घंटी बांटने वाला तैयार हो जाएगा उस दिन ऐसी समस्या नहीं रह जाएगी बेचारे असहाय लोग अपने जीवन भर की गाढ़ी कमाई कंपनी में इन्वेस्ट करके फस गए हैं और सेंटर रजिस्टार बार-बार कुछ उल्लू जुलूल आख्या के रूप में लिखकर उनको दिलासा देते रहते हैं वह भी नियमानुसार नहीं है क्योकि आख्या एक टाइप्ड पेपर है जिस पर कोई हस्ताक्षर नहीं किया है और अपील खोलने पर अपील दस्तावेज की जगह एरर पेज खुलता है हमें न्याय चाहिए और वह न्याय सरकार देने से भाग रही है।
Current Status
Appeal Received
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Shekhar Bose (Under Secretary)
Organisation name
Ministry of Cooperation
Contact Address
Delhi Delhi Delhi
Email Address
Contact Number
Grievance Status for registration number : MOCOP/E/2023/0001236
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Grievance Description
Cooperation >> Central Registrar and Cooperative Society >> Multi State Cooperative Society related matters >> Other Multi State Cooperative Society related issues
Society Name : Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal
Reference number from MSCS Act : 34016622102
An application on behalf of Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya addressed as Main road Chaksaif, Kapoor Karpet Gali, District-Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi, PIN Code. 221401, Mobile number-8756871222.
Mr. Upadhyay submits that the petitioner societies have all the intention to repay all its investors/depositors without any delay. He submits that the petitioner societies, in fact, are in a position to repay all the members/depositors whose amount has become due and payable.
Mr. Upadhyay, learned senior counsel appearing for the petitioners has assured us that such members/investors/depositors shall be duly paid the amount found due and payable to them. Accordingly, we direct that the petitioners shall pay the amounts due to the members within two weeks of such determination being made. Proof of such payment shall be filed by the petitioners with the Central Registrar.
Think about the gravity of the situation: not a single penny was paid to the investors but still no action by the union of India against the alleged defaulters petitioners.
When the company is ready to pay the dues which means a matured amount of the investors then why staff of the central government are procrastinating on the complaints made by the investors. I have submitted more than two dozen complaints regarding the non-payment of the dues by the petitioner company but the Central government is not taking appropriate action in the matter.
It is most unfortunate that the offices of Central Registrar and Cooperative Society are procrastinating to be instrumental in getting payment of investors money from Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal even when later is ready to pay the matured amount of the investors. Requisite documents can be perused from the attached file in the PDF form to the complaint.
Despite the order passed by the High court of judicature and company is ready to repay but concerned public office is not sending the list to
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
Reply attached below.
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd. is ready to repay investors money and High court orders so but Central Registrar is procrastinating. Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal did not repay single penny thus overlooked order of High court to repay within two weeks.
Appeal Details
Appeal Number
Date of Receipt
Appeal Text
Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya visited the branch at Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi but branch manager was not present in the office some how he managed the mobile number of branch manager and made call to branch manager. Branch manager told him that his nodal officer sits in Lucknow and no intimation sent by him regarding the payment of his dues if any such communication is received I will make call on registered Mobile number-8756871222 in the office. Sir, you may send the matter to the nodal officer at Lucknow of the Saharayn Universal Multipurpose Society Ltd, Bhopal. From the attached following report, it is quite obvious that it is unsigned paper submitted by the office of Central Registrar and Cooperative Society. Please provide the name and designation of the staff who submitted this report on the public grievance portal of the government of India. 3-This Appeal Number-MOCOP/E/A/23/0000576 Name-Yogi M. P. Singh, Appeal Received Date-06/02/2023 submitted by the information seeker and disposed by the staff of the public authority Central Registrar and Cooperative Society. Please provide the name and designation of the staff who submitted the report on the public grievance portal of the government of India to dispose of the appeal. Also provide the copy of this report because it is not opening. 4-Please provide the name and designation of the staff of the public authority Central Registrar and Cooperative Society who are designated for executing the order of the High court of Delhi. 5-Please provide the copy of communications exchanged with company in the case of Om Prakash Maurya S/O Bhai Lal Maurya addressed as Main road Chaksaif, Kapoor Karpet Gali, District-Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi, PIN Code. 221401, Mobile number-8756871222 as claim has been forwarded.
Current Status
Appeal Received
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Shekhar Bose (Under Secretary)
Organisation name
Ministry of Cooperation
Contact Address
Delhi Delhi Delhi
Email Address
Contact Number
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