Kamlesh Singh petitioned before Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission against tyranny of sub divisional magistrate Sadar to know status
Honorable chairman/ members of Human Rights commission State of Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh
Subject-To direct sub divisional magistrate Sadar to provide the status of the plaint submitted under section 116 of the U.P. Revenue Code 2006, U.P. Act No. 8 of 2012 by the victim Kamlesh Singh in person through speed registered post. Access to justice is arbitrarily blocked by the sub divisional magistrate Sadar to vulnerable Kamlesh Singh. There must be reasoned denial of justice not in a cryptic manner as being done by the sub divisional magistrate Sadar.
Short submissions before the Honourable member of the Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission are as follows.
1-I pray before the Honourable Sir that the victim is a plaintiff in the aforementioned case and send the plaint to sub-divisional Magistrate Sadar on 25 March 2022 and the department of post delivered the speed post on 26 March 2022 quite obvious from the speed post tracking attached to the Application. Vide 10-page PDF attachment to this petition.
2-It is submitted before the Honourable Sir that sub-divisional Magistrate Sadar is not telling the fact that what happened to the petition after receiving it in the office of the sub divisional magistrate Sadar.
3-I pray before the Honourable Sir that according to section 4 (1) (d) of Right to Information Act 2005, Every public authority shall—provide reasons for its administrative or quasi-judicial decisions to affected persons.
Honourable Sir please take a glance of historic judgement delivered by the apex court of India. Accountability must be ensured in order to achieve good governance.
Even in respect of administrative orders Lord Denning M.R. in Breen v. Amalgamated Engineering Union (1971 (1) All E.R. 1148) observed "The giving of reasons is one of the fundamentals of good administration". In Alexander Machinery (Dudley) Ltd. v. Crabtree (1974 LCR 120) it was observed: "Failure to give reasons amounts to denial of justice". Reasons are live links between the mind of the decision taker to the controversy in question and the decision or conclusion arrived at". Reasons substitute subjectivity by objectivity. The emphasis on recording reasons is that if the decision reveals the "inscrutable face of the sphinx", it can, by its silence, render it virtually impossible for the Courts to perform their appellate function or exercise the power of judicial review in adjudging the validity of the decision. Right to reason is an indispensable part of a sound judicial system, reasons at least sufficient to indicate an application of mind to the matter before Court. Another rationale is that the affected party can know why the decision has gone against him. One of the salutary requirements of natural justice is spelling out reasons for the order made, in other words, a speaking out. The "inscrutable face of a sphinx" is ordinarily incongruous with a judicial or quasi-judicial performance.
4-It is submitted before the Honourable Sir that following grievance was submitted by the victim before prime minister office and dozens of such grievances submitted before the the PMO and government of Uttar Pradesh but office bearers of the sub divisional magistrate sadar submit arbitrary and inconsistent report on the public grievance and Jansunwai portal reflects sheer anarchy in his working.
Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2022/0288051
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Kamlesh Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Prime Ministers Office
Grievance Description
Grievance Status for registration number: PMOPG/E/2022/0247893 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Kamlesh Singh Date of Receipt 17/09/2022 The applicant is aggrieved with the concerned staff of Tehsil Sadar who submitted an inconsistent bogus report on the portal without going into the merit of the case.
श्री मान जी सदर तहसील मिर्ज़ापुर की हालत बहुत ही दयनीय है श्री मान जी सभी अधिकारी और कर्मचारी जो घूसखोर है जनसुनवाई पोर्टल से चिढ़ते है इसलिए मनमाना जवाब लगा कर मामले को ख़त्म कर देते है प्रार्थी लेखपाल महोदय के गैरजिम्मेदाराना रवैया से बहुत कष्ट में है चलिए जनसूचना अधिकार २००५ का प्रयोग किया जाएगा जनसुनवाई पोर्टल को मजाक बना दिए है श्री मान जी ०८ अक्टूबर २०२१ का जनसूचना आवेदन १६ सितम्बर २०२२ को एक मनगढ़ंत कहानी बना कर सुना दिया गया जिसका सूचना के बिंदुओं से कुछ लेना देना नहीं था इससे बड़ी अराजकता क्या हो सकती है श्री मान जी राजस्व संहिता २००६ की धारा ११६ के तहत विभाजन के लिए प्रार्थी द्वारा पोस्ट के माध्यम से अपील भेजा गया है किन्तु उसकी स्थिति प्रार्थी को उपजिलाधिकारी महोदय नहीं बताना चाहते है क्योकि उसमे घुस नहीं मिला है इसलिए जनसूचना अधिकार २००५ के तहत भी कोई सूचना नहीं उपलब्ध कराये क्या प्रार्थी कमलेश सिंह पोस्ट के माध्यम से अपंनी पेपरबुक नहीं भेज सकते है जो कमी हो उसे बताये उसे दूर किया जाए
The applicant is a plaintiff in the following case and sent this plaint to sub-divisional Magistrate Sadar on 25 March 2022 the department of post delivered the speed post on 26 March 2022 quite obvious from the speed post tracking attached to the R.T.I. Application. An application/ Litigation under section 116 of the U.P. Revenue Code 2006, U.P. Act No. 8 of 2012 Last Updated 30th March 2021 to seek its share of Land and other properties from Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh and restrain him from the arbitrary sale of transitory land inherited from inheritors. The petitioner is a son of Raghuvar Dayal Singh having share rights in the entire property inherited from ancestors to Raghuvar Dayal Singh as inheritance so Kindly grant reprieve to the litigant so that his rights may not encroach from arbitrary action perpetrated by his own father. In the court of Hon’ble Sub-divisional Magistrate Sadar District: Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh Prayer -
Please direct the concerned staff of Tahsil Sadar to divide the entire properties both movable and immovable unpartitioned land and sold properties illegally by Raghuvar Dayal Singh without consent of stakeholder between stakeholder Kamlesh Singh in the name of Father Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh. It is my humble request to the Honourable Sir to restrain opposition party Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh from selling more transitory land inherited from ancestors without dividing stakeholder Kamlesh Singh and Raghuvar Dayal Singh as illegal acts are being committed by him arbitrarily. For more feedback, vide document to this application.
The applicant submitted the following request before Subdivisional Magistrate Sadar on the RTI online portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh registered as Registration Number DMOMR/R/2022/60028.
PIO may provide the following information pointwise as follows.
1-Provide the noting made on the aforementioned plaint by the public authority staff dealing with the communication above.
2-Provide the name and designation of the staff currently dealing with the aforementioned communication.
3-Provide the action taken by the Sub-divisional Magistrate Sadar on the aforementioned plaint.
The aforementioned plaint was sent by the applicant itself but the Sub-divisional magistrate is not entertaining it because of corruption.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित आख्या अपलोड कर सेवा में सादर अग्रसारित
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
Undoubtedly it reflects the deep-rooted corruption in the working of the sub divisional magistrate Sadar. He is submitting the parrot reports because of the lawlessness and anarchy that originated from deep-rooted corruption in his subordinates. Our motive is good governance but corruption in the system is not providing space to good governance. Yogi Adityanath is honest before the print and electronic media. Hakrana, Makrana and Sukrana of Modi Government are only for the Akhilesh Yadav government. Now Modi Sir has changed its view point ipso-facto.
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number
05222226350This is a humble request of your applicant to you, Hon’ble Sir, how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos arbitrarily by making a mockery of the law of land? There is a need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of the citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.
Date-15/12/2022 Yours petitioner cum complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911,
Mohalla- Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar
Pradesh, Pin code-231001.
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