Neither government of Uttar Pradesh installed Roof Top Solar Panel Application system nor refunding the paid amount to applicant
संदर्भ संख्या : 40019921022664 , दिनांक - 17 May 2022 तक की स्थिति
आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण :
शिकायत संख्या:-40019921022664
आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M P Singhविषय-The matter concerns Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited and fee paid by the applicant Rs.250 is paid to Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited quite obvious from the attached receipt paid on the website of the U.P.P.C.L. ipso facto. DEPARTMENT OF ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF ENERGY, GOVERNMENT OF UTTAR PRADESH also known as Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency. According to report of Project Officer, Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency, scheme of Roof Top Solar Power Panel Set up is not being launched by the U.P. NEDA.संदर्भ संख्या : 40019921022176 , दिनांक - 17 Oct 2021 तक की स्थितिआवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40019921022176 आवेदक का नाम- Yogi M P Singh विषय- Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2020/37480 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M P Singh Date of Receipt 24/11/2020, Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh According to the report of Officer Name Shri Bhaskar Pandey Officer Designation Joint Secretary Contact Address Chief Minister Secretariat Room No.321 U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow Remarks अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित Any customer willing to install Solar Rooftop plant may apply on website. Sir, whether the payment receipt attached to the grievance is not visible to concerned public staff who are submitting the arbitrary reports in the matter. It is submitted before the Honourable Sir that Honourable Sir may be pleased to take a glance of the contents of the receipt made available by the concerned body when the application was made by the applicant. Applicant ID-181012933, Bank transaction number-618946392, Application fee-Rs.250.00, Payment status-Success, Payment date-06-10-2018. More than three years passed, but Uttar Pradesh power corporation limited failed to set up a rooftop solar panel application system and subordinate staff are submitting arbitrary reports after long procrastination. Whether it is justifying in the wide public interest that government functionaries are itself befooling the common citizens in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
विभाग -विद्युतशिकायत श्रेणी -
नियोजित तारीख-24-10-2021शिकायत की स्थिति-
स्तर -जनपद स्तरपद -अधिशासी अभियन्ता,विघुत
प्राप्त रिमाइंडर-
प्राप्त फीडबैक -दिनांक24-10-2021 को फीडबैक:-Sir, Government of Uttar Pradesh has provided an excellent platform in the form of Jansunwai portal to redress the grievances of the common people in the state. According to submitted report of the executive engineer EDD II, in order to redress the grievance, I have to submit the copy of the receipt as Applicant ID181012933, Bank transaction number618946392, Application fee Rs.250.00, Payment Status Success, Payment date06/10/2018. I think that executive engineer EDD II is an accountable officer and Jansunwai portal is the best platform so solution must be worked out here in a transparent manner so that accountability may be fixed. Those cannot read and understand my representations, how will they redress the grievance Please find out the solution on this platform.
फीडबैक की स्थिति -जिलाधिकारी द्वारा संतोषजनक में परिवर्तित
संलग्नक देखें -Click here
नोट- अंतिम कॉलम में वर्णित सन्दर्भ की स्थिति कॉलम-5 में अंकित अधिकारी के स्तर पर हुयी कार्यवाही दर्शाता है!
अधीनस्थ द्वारा प्राप्त आख्या :
क्र.स. सन्दर्भ का प्रकार आदेश देने वाले अधिकारी आदेश दिनांक आदेश आख्या देने वाले अधिकारी आख्या दिनांक आख्या स्थिति आपत्ति देखे संलगनक
1 अंतरित ऑनलाइन सन्दर्भ 17-10-2021 अधिशासी अभियन्ता,विघुत-मिर्ज़ापुर,विद्युत 23-10-2021 on line complaint no 40019921022664 is disposed निस्तारित
I think that executive engineer EDD II is an accountable officer and Jansunwai portal is the best platform so solution must be worked out here in a transparent manner so that accountability may be fixed. Those cannot read and understand my representations, how will they redress the grievance Please find out the solution on this platform.