District Supply Officer must redress raised question instead of parrot reply on PG Portal and Jansunwai portal as ration card cancelled illegally


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2021/57874
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
अपर मुख्य सचिव/प्रमुख सचिव/सचिव खाद्य एवं रसद विभाग महोदय आप का रिपोर्ट और आप की क्षमता ब्यथा को समझने की दोनों पर प्रश्न चिन्ह है श्री मान जी जिस राशि की बात आप कर रहे है वही प्रार्थी पुत्र को मिल जाय फिर प्रार्थी को किसी राशन कार्ड की आवश्यकता ही नहीं है किन्तु वह पैसा तो आप के विभाग का दलाल ले गया जो आप लोगो तक फिर पहुंच गया अन्यथा आप द्वारा प्रार्थी द्वारा चाही सूचनाओं को गोपनीय क्यों रखा जा रहा है
The disposal of the following grievance is not according to the submissions of the grievance because they know that if the submissions of the grievance will be touched then wrongdoers of the department will be exposed. Sir, a guilty is punished but here is अंधेर नगरी चौपट राजा टका सेर भाजी टका खाजा
जिन्होंने ने चमन को लूटा वे गुलछर्रे उड़ा रहे है स्वयं घोषित ईमानदार और न्यायी शासक निरीह जनता को जो की निर्दोष है को दण्डित कर रहा है हे न्यास को धारण करने वाले जब न्यास धारण करने की क्षमता नहीं थी तो धारण क्यों किया जब न्यासी स्थापित मानदंडों का उल्लंघन करे तो समाज का पतन निश्चित है जनता को समझ लेना चाहिये
अधिकारी द्वारा शिकायत का अंतिम निस्तारण कर दिया गया है अंतिम निस्तारण के बाद आप फीडबैक दर्ज नहीं कर सकते है निम्न में से कोई एक अंतिम निस्तारण का कारण हो सकता हैं 1-वाद-न्यायालय में विचाराधीन है / स्थगित है, 2-प्रकरण न्यायालय के क्षेत्राधिकार में आता है, 3-आवेदक योजना हेतु अपात्र है, 4-धनराशि की अनुपलब्धता, 5-अन्य कारण, 6-वाद राजस्व न्यायालय में विचाराधीन है / स्थगित है, 7-प्रकरण सुझाव श्रेणी का है , 8-प्रकरण मांग श्रेणी का है , 9-नौकरी/आर्थिक सहायता दिए जाने सम्बन्धी मांग, 10-नीति विषयक प्रकरण, 11-विभाग से सम्बंधित नहीं, 12-सूचना के अधिकार सम्बन्धी प्रकरण
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2021/50656 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M P Singh
Date of Receipt 11/09/2021 Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description From the first page of the attached PDF document, it is quite obvious that no enquiry was carried out by the government of Uttar Pradesh regarding the ration cardholders who sold paddy and wheat over three Lakh rupees. How can the office of the district supply officer Mirzapur cancel the ration card of a large number of ration cardholders merely on the bogus report prepared by the corrupt staff of the government concerned with the malpractices of the government staff themselves? Why the government of Uttar Pradesh is frightened itself in ordering a transparent and accountable enquiry through a proper agency which may look into the matter at the grassroot level.
Submissions before Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission.

Undoubtedly the applicant and the entire aggrieved people knew about the reason for cancellation of the Ration card. Which is quite obvious from the submissions of the grievance. Therefore they had to focus on the focused point of the grievance like Short submissions are as follows. 1-You may also provide the account details through which transactions were made. 2-You may disclose the detail of the Aadhaar name-AMIT KUMAR, who is the link to reach the other members of the scamsters. 3-How the Farmer ID-1990305426, Farmer-NITIN SINGH,was prepared without adopting due procedure of the law? 4-Why blatant misuse of power was not checked but the concerned preferred to cancel the Ration card on the Large scale, injuring the interest of the vulnerable section of the people? They are not checking the aforementioned point which implies that their hands are also under gloves. If predators are protectors then who will shield? This is 100 percent true in this case, quite obvious from the facts of the case.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित उक्त प्रकरण की जॉच पूर्ति निरीक्षक द्वारा की गयी पूर्ति निरीक्षक की जॉच आख्या आनुसार श्री योगी एम0पी0 सिंह द्वारा राशन कार्ड कट जाने के संबंध में शिकायत किया गया है उक्त के संबंध में अवगत कराना है कि राशन कार्ड संख्या 219940604126 बना हुआ था जिस पर इनको प्रत्येक माह खाद्यान्न प्राप्त होता रहा है किन्तु आवेदक के पुत्र श्री नितिन कुमार द्वारा प्राप्त किसान आई डी संख्या 1990305426 जो आवेदक के पुत्र के नाम से उनके खाते में कुल 396763.00 की धनराशि उपलब्ध पाई गयी जिसके क्रम में आवेदक के राशनकार्ड को अपात्रता के आधार पर निरस्त कर दिया गया है आख्या सेवा में सादर प्रेषित
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
Undoubtedly they are claiming on the basis of the facts provided by them on paper but the factual position is that cheaters cheated the concerned through corrupt practices by Misusing their position and rank. It is well known fact the matter concerns the corruption and the public spirited person submitted request for an impartial enquiry which was not accepted by the government of Uttar Pradesh and concerned police was not directed to register FIR first information report in the matter even after repeated request in the matter of the wide public interest which is showing apathy of the Government of Uttar Pradesh to take action against the corrupt elements quite obvious from the Dilly daily approach of the public functionaries to ensure a transparent and accountable enquiry in the matter of the corruption when the repeated complaints are being submitted before the countable public functionaries . Honesty must reflect in working instead of it is shown on the public platform as rhetoric.
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2021/63142
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
An application on behalf of Nitin Singh S/O Sugun Singh W/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh under Article 51 A of the constitution of India to know account detail and action. It seems that entire bureaucracy in the state has been crippled and incompetent because of rampant corruption in the government machinery. Everyone knows that punishment is awarded to those who are guilty if the Son of Sugun Singh did not commit any wrong, then why did government of Uttar Pradesh cancel the Ration card of the Sugun Singh ipso facto? Here this question arises that what enquiry was carried out by the supply inspector? How can supply inspector says that paddy and wheat was sold by Nitin Singh while the actual fact is that concerned staff itself running out from providing any record concerned with illegal transactions made in the name of Nitin Singh so that actual wrongdoers may be exposed? My demand is to carry out enquiry into the matter so that whoever is the beneficiary of illegal transactions may be subjected to penal action of the law of land. Who is Amit Kumar must be revealed by the concerned staffs of the government? If the amount is available in the account of Nitin Singh opened on his name, then provide the account detail otherwise defaulters will take away that money. I sought this information under RTI on behalf of Sugun Singh and his son, but D.M. Mirzapur is escaping from the matter. अपर मुख्य सचिव/प्रमुख सचिव/सचिव खाद्य एवं रसद विभाग महोदय आप का रिपोर्ट और आप की क्षमता ब्यथा को समझने की दोनों पर प्रश्न चिन्ह है श्री मान जी जिस राशि की बात आप कर रहे है वही प्रार्थी पुत्र को मिल जाय फिर प्रार्थी को किसी राशन कार्ड की आवश्यकता ही नहीं है किन्तु वह पैसा तो आप के विभाग का दलाल ले गया जो आप लोगो तक फिर पहुंच गया अन्यथा आप द्वारा प्रार्थी द्वारा चाही सूचनाओं को गोपनीय क्यों रखा जा रहा है The disposal of the following grievance is not according to the submissions of the grievance because they know that if the submissions of the grievance will be touched then wrongdoers of the department will be exposed. Sir, a guilty is punished but here is अंधेर नगरी चौपट राजा टका सेर भाजी टका खाजा जिन्होंने ने चमन को लूटा वे गुलछर्रे उड़ा रहे है स्वयं घोषित ईमानदार और न्यायी शासक निरीह जनता को जो की निर्दोष है को दण्डित कर रहा है हे न्यास को धारण करने वाले जब न्यास धारण करने की क्षमता नहीं थी तो धारण क्यों किया जब न्यासी स्थापित मानदंडों का उल्लंघन करे तो समाज का पतन निश्चित है जनता को समझ लेना चाहिये अधिकारी द्वारा शिकायत का अंतिम निस्तारण कर दिया गया है
 It is quite obvious that no enquiry was carried out by the government of Uttar Pradesh regarding the ration cardholders who sold paddy and wheat over three Lakh rupees. How can the office of the district supply officer Mirzapur cancel the ration card of a large number of ration cardholders merely on the bogus report prepared by the corrupt staff of the government concerned with the malpractices of the government staff themselves? Why the government of Uttar Pradesh is frightened itself in ordering a transparent and accountable enquiry through a proper agency which may look into the matter at the grassroot level. Submissions before Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission. Undoubtedly the applicant and the entire aggrieved people knew about the reason for cancellation of the Ration card. Which is quite obvious from the submissions of the grievance? Therefore, they had to focus on the focused point of the grievance like 1-You may also provide the account details through which transactions were made. 2-You may disclose the detail of the Aadhaar name-AMIT KUMAR, who is the link to reach the other members of the scamsters. 3-How the Farmer IDistrict -1990305426, Farmer-NITIN SINGH,was prepared without adopting due procedure of the law? 4-Why blatant misuse of power was not checked but the concerned preferred to cancel the Ration card on the large scale, injuring the interest of the vulnerable section of the people? They are not checking the aforementioned point which implies that their hands are also under gloves.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित उक्त प्रकरण की जांच पूर्ति निरीक्षक द्वारा की गयी पूर्ति निरीक्षक की जांच आख्या अनुसार शिकायतकर्ता श्री योगी एम पी सिंह द्वारा राशनकार्ड कट जाने के संबंध में शिकायत किया गया है उक्त के संबंध में अवगत कराना है कि श्रीमती सुमन सिंह की किसान आई डी 1990312456 खाते में धान गेहूं खरीद में कुल धनराशि रू0396763.20 की उपलब्धता पायी गयी जिसके कारण उनका राशनकार्ड अपात्रता के आधार पर विलोपित किया गया है आख्या सेवा में सादर प्रेषित
Rating Remarks
Undoubtedly they are claiming on the basis of the facts provided by them on paper but the factual position is that cheaters cheated the concerned through corrupt practices by Misusing their position and rank. It is well known fact the matter concerns the corruption and the public spirited person submitted request for an impartial enquiry which was not accepted by the government of Uttar Pradesh and concerned police was not directed to register FIR first information report in the matter even after repeated request in the matter of the wide public interest which is showing apathy of the Government of Uttar Pradesh to take action against the corrupt elements quite obvious from the Dilly daily approach of the public functionaries to ensure a transparent and accountable enquiry in the matter of the corruption when the repeated complaints are being submitted before the countable public functionaries . Honesty must reflect in working instead of it is shown on the public platform as rhetoric.
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey (Joint Secretary)
Organisation name
Government of Uttar Pradesh
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat , Room No. 321, U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number


  1. 1-You may also provide the account details through which transactions were made. 2-You may disclose the detail of the Aadhaar name-AMIT KUMAR, who is the link to reach the other members of the scamsters. 3-How the Farmer IDistrict -1990305426, Farmer-NITIN SINGH,was prepared without adopting due procedure of the law? 4-Why blatant misuse of power was not checked but the concerned preferred to cancel the Ration card on the large scale, injuring the interest of the vulnerable section of the people? They are not checking the aforementioned point which implies that their hands are also under gloves.


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