Gmail Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
श्री मान जी लार्वा रोधी घोल का छिड़काव पिछले छह महीने में एक बार भी नहीं हुआ जब की हर मुहल्ले व हर ग्राम में डेंगू के मरीज मिल रहे है |
2 messages
Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <> 12 November 2019 at 01:31
To: pmosb <>,, supremecourt <>, urgent-action <>, cmup <>,,, uphrclko <>,,
श्री मान जी विभाग कहता है उसके पास छिडकाव के लिए कर्मचारी ही नही है तो फिर डेंगू के नाम पर करोडो का बजट क्यों | श्री मान जी छः महीने में भी छिडकाव नही हो रहा है और जब लोगो को प्राइवेट हॉस्पिटल्स में ही इलाज कराना क्यों की इनके पास हस्पतालो में बेड ही नही है तो फिर फालतू विभागों को बंद कर दीजिए क्यों सरकारी खजाने को खाली कर रहे लोगो को बैठा कर तनख्वाह बाट रहे है श्री मान जी आउटसोर्स स्टाफ की ब्यवस्था यहां भी क्यों नही करा देते क्यों लोगो को डेंगू से मार रहे है |
Most revered Sir –Your applicant invites the kind attention of Hon’ble Sir with due respect to following submissions as follows.
1-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that government is spending the huge amount of fund in order to control the breeding of mosquitoes but most surprising is that instead of decreasing in number, mosquitoes are increasing alarmingly because these funds are not being utilized properly due to lack of transparency and accountability.
2-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that following complaint was submitted on the Jansunwai portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh but concerned instead of taking positive action in this regard, they wrote cryptic words by sitting in the office and got the complaint disposed of.
Anti-larva solution is not sprayed by office of chief medical officer resulting in steep hike in number of mosquitoes in Surekapuram
There is alarming increase in the population of the mosquitoes and district administration is reluctant to take action in the matter
3-It is to be submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that it is most unfortunate that when the High court has issued guidelines in this direction to curb the spread of dengue disease and the government has opened the door of the treasury but the result is zero because of the incompetence and non-impeccable integrity of the concerned staffs.
4-It is to be submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that whether the following report of the Hindustan times is false? if not why action is not being taken by the government of Uttar Pradesh.
Hosps fall short of beds as dengue cases rise
Updated: Oct 21, 2019 21:57 IST
“In the past few days, the number of patients has gone up considerably. But no death has been reported in our hospital,” said Dr AK Singh, chief medical superintendent, Civil Hospital. The hospital has 30 beds for dengue patients, including five in the pediatric ward. “The ward is full and dengue patients are also admitted to other wards,” he added.
Pasted from <>
Entire state is under fear psychosis of dengue but the government of Uttar Pradesh is still sleeping.
Rakesh Kumar reached the Balrampur Hospital with his father who had high fever for the past two days. Suspecting that he might be suffering from dengue, the doctors advised that he should be admitted. Worse still, the patient realised that getting admission and reaching a doctor in the OPD was another struggle.
“There are limited beds. I was told to wait for some time, as one of the patients was to be discharged. Finally, I got a bed for my father and his blood samples have been sent for dengue test,” said Rakesh after getting his father admitted.
While fever is a scare among patients, getting admission to a hospital these days is a Herculean Task. Lucknow has reported over 600 dengue cases and at least 400 patients have been admitted to hospitals this season. The Civil Hospital admitted over 300.
“We have admitted 23 dengue patients out of the 100 who tested positive and are now falling short of beds,” said Mohd Shahid Zama, chief medical superintendent (officiating) of Lok Bandhu Hospital.
“We are planning to shift some patients to another place so that more patients, as they come in, can be accommodated,” said Zama.
Dengue patients cannot be kept with other patients as there’s a risk of the others getting infected through mosquito bite, he added.
Major hospitals in the city have limited beds in the dengue ward but these are not enough to accommodate a horde of fever patients coming to the OPD.
“Every patient having fever first thinks that it might be dengue. It’s ok to be cautious, but one should not panic,” said Dr PK Gupta, former president of Indian Medical Association, Lucknow and an eminent microbiologist.
“At present, we have 54 dengue patients in three wards (male, female and paediatric) and in private wards. The maximum number of patients we had in one day was 76,” said Dr Ashutosh Dubey, medical superintendent of Civil Hospital.
At Balrampur Hospital too, beds marked for dengue patients are occupied. “We got over 80 dengue patients and about 35 required admission. I have asked the staff to manage admission of patients coming to our hospital,” said Dr Rajiv Lochan, director, Balrampur HospitalThe chief medical officer (Lucknow) has advised hospitals to ensure dedicated dengue wards and other facilities for patients till such patients keep coming in.
Efforts are being made to make people aware about dengue and how to prevent it. “Prevention is the key to prevent dengue. But if one takes ill, going to a doctor for proper treatment is the best option, instead of self-medication,” said Dr Raman Kumar, president of the Academy of Family Physicians of India.
5-It is to be submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that arbitrary reports are submitted by the concerned staffs of the government in order to close the grievance which are completely inconsistent to the submissions of the grievances yet our accountable public functionaries are claiming of the good governance.
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2019/34825
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt-23/10/2019
Received By Ministry/Department-Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
Here this question arises that when because of the apathy of the concerned department as they have not sprayed the anti larva solution in the various Mohallas like Surekapuram and adjoining areas for many months culminating into alarmingly rising in the dengue cases in the area, why the government is not ordering the enquiry in the matter so that truth may come out of those who are drawing huge salary from public exchequer without performing duties to serve the people. Whether it is not a matter of concern that 80 percent of people suffering from an acute crisis of unemployment and those somehow arranged jobs in the public sector not doing duties and only drawing salaries from the public exchequer.
The applicant again wants to draw the kind attention of Honourable public functionaries to the menace of the infectious disease Dengue which is consequent of Mosquitoes biting and now entire District Mirzapur is under the captivity of this giant disease. This terrible disease is prevailing in the district because of the lackadaisical approach of the concerned staffs of government at the district level. For detail vide attached documents to the grievance.
Grievance Document
Current Status-Under process Date of Action-05/11/2019
Remarks-Grievance received by Subordinate Organisation from Web API
Officer Concerns To Officer Name-Shri Arun Kumar Dube
Officer Designation-Joint Secretary
Contact Address-Chief Minister Secretariat U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address Contact Number-05222215127
Pasted from <>
6-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that in this Mirzapur district few years ago superintendent of jail died of dengue while he was posted in the district Mirzapur. Here this question arises that what we learn from the such tragic events? Think about the gravity of situation that since three months they have not sprayed the anti-larva solution in the Mohalla-Surekapur because I informed about their negligence to the senior rank officers.
7-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that undoubtedly behaviours of the staffs like tyrant because of ineffective control of senior rank staffs in the district and most of the staffs are posted in the district for many years if transferred managed to remain in the district by applying so many tricks.
This is a humble request of your applicant to you Hon’ble Sir that how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos in an arbitrary manner by making the mockery of law of land? This is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer in order to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray you, Hon’ble Sir. Yours sincerely
Date-12-11-2019 Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911, Mohalla- Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, Pin code-231001.
Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <> 16 November 2019 at 00:51
To: pmosb <>,, supremecourt <>, urgent-action <>, cmup <>,,, uphrclko <>,,
श्री मान जी छह छह महीने से नालिया नहीं साफ हुई है और घर का पानी नाली में बहने के बजाय नाली का पानी घर में घुस रहा है | आज कल तो जनसुनवाई पोर्टल पर भी मनमाना जवाब लगा कर मामले को ठंढे बस्ते में दाल दिया जाता है | क्या यही सुशासन है जहा भ्रस्टाचार व आराजकता का राज्य है | श्री मान दर्जनों शिकायते एंटी लार्वा सलूशन के छिड़काव के लिए की गयी किन्तु कई महीने से कोई नहीं दिखाई पद रहा है और गन्दगी का आलम यह है की पिछले छह महीने से ड्रेनेज /नाली की सफाई नहीं हुई है जिसके कारण नाली का पानी घर में घुस रहा है | मिर्ज़ापुर जिला/शहर इस समय नर्क बन चुका है | दवा की खरीददारी केवल कागजो पर की जाती है तो फिर छिड़काव कहा से होगा | झाड़ू लगाने वाले नाली साफ करने वाले छिड़काव करने वाले सभी गायब है | ऐसा प्रतीत होता है की शासन ब्यवस्था एकदम लचर हो चुकी है | नगरपालिका के अधिशासी अधिकारी महोदय की अयोग्यता ही इस दुर्ब्यवस्था का मूल है | सरकार इतनी अच्छी तनख्वाह देती है फिर भी काम नहीं करना चाहते है | श्री मान पेपर में तो डेंगू के पांच ही केसेस बता रहा है जब की जिला के हर ग्राम में पांच केसेस है डेंगू के और इसके लिए जिम्मेदार यहां का जिला प्रशासन है जो जनता के प्रति पूर्ण रूप से उदासीन है |
Gmail Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
श्री मान जी लार्वा रोधी घोल का छिड़काव पिछले छह महीने में एक बार भी नहीं हुआ जब की हर मुहल्ले व हर ग्राम में डेंगू के मरीज मिल रहे है |
2 messages
Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <> 12 November 2019 at 01:31
To: pmosb <>,, supremecourt <>, urgent-action <>, cmup <>,,, uphrclko <>,,
श्री मान जी विभाग कहता है उसके पास छिडकाव के लिए कर्मचारी ही नही है तो फिर डेंगू के नाम पर करोडो का बजट क्यों | श्री मान जी छः महीने में भी छिडकाव नही हो रहा है और जब लोगो को प्राइवेट हॉस्पिटल्स में ही इलाज कराना क्यों की इनके पास हस्पतालो में बेड ही नही है तो फिर फालतू विभागों को बंद कर दीजिए क्यों सरकारी खजाने को खाली कर रहे लोगो को बैठा कर तनख्वाह बाट रहे है श्री मान जी आउटसोर्स स्टाफ की ब्यवस्था यहां भी क्यों नही करा देते क्यों लोगो को डेंगू से मार रहे है |
Most revered Sir –Your applicant invites the kind attention of Hon’ble Sir with due respect to following submissions as follows.
1-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that government is spending the huge amount of fund in order to control the breeding of mosquitoes but most surprising is that instead of decreasing in number, mosquitoes are increasing alarmingly because these funds are not being utilized properly due to lack of transparency and accountability.
2-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that following complaint was submitted on the Jansunwai portal of the government of Uttar Pradesh but concerned instead of taking positive action in this regard, they wrote cryptic words by sitting in the office and got the complaint disposed of.
Anti-larva solution is not sprayed by office of chief medical officer resulting in steep hike in number of mosquitoes in Surekapuram
There is alarming increase in the population of the mosquitoes and district administration is reluctant to take action in the matter
3-It is to be submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that it is most unfortunate that when the High court has issued guidelines in this direction to curb the spread of dengue disease and the government has opened the door of the treasury but the result is zero because of the incompetence and non-impeccable integrity of the concerned staffs.
4-It is to be submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that whether the following report of the Hindustan times is false? if not why action is not being taken by the government of Uttar Pradesh.
Hosps fall short of beds as dengue cases rise
Updated: Oct 21, 2019 21:57 IST
“In the past few days, the number of patients has gone up considerably. But no death has been reported in our hospital,” said Dr AK Singh, chief medical superintendent, Civil Hospital. The hospital has 30 beds for dengue patients, including five in the pediatric ward. “The ward is full and dengue patients are also admitted to other wards,” he added.
Pasted from <>
Entire state is under fear psychosis of dengue but the government of Uttar Pradesh is still sleeping.
Rakesh Kumar reached the Balrampur Hospital with his father who had high fever for the past two days. Suspecting that he might be suffering from dengue, the doctors advised that he should be admitted. Worse still, the patient realised that getting admission and reaching a doctor in the OPD was another struggle.
“There are limited beds. I was told to wait for some time, as one of the patients was to be discharged. Finally, I got a bed for my father and his blood samples have been sent for dengue test,” said Rakesh after getting his father admitted.
While fever is a scare among patients, getting admission to a hospital these days is a Herculean Task. Lucknow has reported over 600 dengue cases and at least 400 patients have been admitted to hospitals this season. The Civil Hospital admitted over 300.
“We have admitted 23 dengue patients out of the 100 who tested positive and are now falling short of beds,” said Mohd Shahid Zama, chief medical superintendent (officiating) of Lok Bandhu Hospital.
“We are planning to shift some patients to another place so that more patients, as they come in, can be accommodated,” said Zama.
Dengue patients cannot be kept with other patients as there’s a risk of the others getting infected through mosquito bite, he added.
Major hospitals in the city have limited beds in the dengue ward but these are not enough to accommodate a horde of fever patients coming to the OPD.
“Every patient having fever first thinks that it might be dengue. It’s ok to be cautious, but one should not panic,” said Dr PK Gupta, former president of Indian Medical Association, Lucknow and an eminent microbiologist.
“At present, we have 54 dengue patients in three wards (male, female and paediatric) and in private wards. The maximum number of patients we had in one day was 76,” said Dr Ashutosh Dubey, medical superintendent of Civil Hospital.
At Balrampur Hospital too, beds marked for dengue patients are occupied. “We got over 80 dengue patients and about 35 required admission. I have asked the staff to manage admission of patients coming to our hospital,” said Dr Rajiv Lochan, director, Balrampur HospitalThe chief medical officer (Lucknow) has advised hospitals to ensure dedicated dengue wards and other facilities for patients till such patients keep coming in.
Efforts are being made to make people aware about dengue and how to prevent it. “Prevention is the key to prevent dengue. But if one takes ill, going to a doctor for proper treatment is the best option, instead of self-medication,” said Dr Raman Kumar, president of the Academy of Family Physicians of India.
5-It is to be submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that arbitrary reports are submitted by the concerned staffs of the government in order to close the grievance which are completely inconsistent to the submissions of the grievances yet our accountable public functionaries are claiming of the good governance.
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2019/34825
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant-Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt-23/10/2019
Received By Ministry/Department-Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
Here this question arises that when because of the apathy of the concerned department as they have not sprayed the anti larva solution in the various Mohallas like Surekapuram and adjoining areas for many months culminating into alarmingly rising in the dengue cases in the area, why the government is not ordering the enquiry in the matter so that truth may come out of those who are drawing huge salary from public exchequer without performing duties to serve the people. Whether it is not a matter of concern that 80 percent of people suffering from an acute crisis of unemployment and those somehow arranged jobs in the public sector not doing duties and only drawing salaries from the public exchequer.
The applicant again wants to draw the kind attention of Honourable public functionaries to the menace of the infectious disease Dengue which is consequent of Mosquitoes biting and now entire District Mirzapur is under the captivity of this giant disease. This terrible disease is prevailing in the district because of the lackadaisical approach of the concerned staffs of government at the district level. For detail vide attached documents to the grievance.
Grievance Document
Current Status-Under process Date of Action-05/11/2019
Remarks-Grievance received by Subordinate Organisation from Web API
Officer Concerns To Officer Name-Shri Arun Kumar Dube
Officer Designation-Joint Secretary
Contact Address-Chief Minister Secretariat U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address Contact Number-05222215127
Pasted from <>
6-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that in this Mirzapur district few years ago superintendent of jail died of dengue while he was posted in the district Mirzapur. Here this question arises that what we learn from the such tragic events? Think about the gravity of situation that since three months they have not sprayed the anti-larva solution in the Mohalla-Surekapur because I informed about their negligence to the senior rank officers.
7-It is submitted before the Hon’ble Sir that undoubtedly behaviours of the staffs like tyrant because of ineffective control of senior rank staffs in the district and most of the staffs are posted in the district for many years if transferred managed to remain in the district by applying so many tricks.
This is a humble request of your applicant to you Hon’ble Sir that how can it be justified to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos in an arbitrary manner by making the mockery of law of land? This is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer in order to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray you, Hon’ble Sir. Yours sincerely
Date-12-11-2019 Yogi M. P. Singh, Mobile number-7379105911, Mohalla- Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, Pin code-231001.
Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <> 16 November 2019 at 00:51
To: pmosb <>,, supremecourt <>, urgent-action <>, cmup <>,,, uphrclko <>,,
श्री मान जी छह छह महीने से नालिया नहीं साफ हुई है और घर का पानी नाली में बहने के बजाय नाली का पानी घर में घुस रहा है | आज कल तो जनसुनवाई पोर्टल पर भी मनमाना जवाब लगा कर मामले को ठंढे बस्ते में दाल दिया जाता है | क्या यही सुशासन है जहा भ्रस्टाचार व आराजकता का राज्य है | श्री मान दर्जनों शिकायते एंटी लार्वा सलूशन के छिड़काव के लिए की गयी किन्तु कई महीने से कोई नहीं दिखाई पद रहा है और गन्दगी का आलम यह है की पिछले छह महीने से ड्रेनेज /नाली की सफाई नहीं हुई है जिसके कारण नाली का पानी घर में घुस रहा है | मिर्ज़ापुर जिला/शहर इस समय नर्क बन चुका है | दवा की खरीददारी केवल कागजो पर की जाती है तो फिर छिड़काव कहा से होगा | झाड़ू लगाने वाले नाली साफ करने वाले छिड़काव करने वाले सभी गायब है | ऐसा प्रतीत होता है की शासन ब्यवस्था एकदम लचर हो चुकी है | नगरपालिका के अधिशासी अधिकारी महोदय की अयोग्यता ही इस दुर्ब्यवस्था का मूल है | सरकार इतनी अच्छी तनख्वाह देती है फिर भी काम नहीं करना चाहते है | श्री मान पेपर में तो डेंगू के पांच ही केसेस बता रहा है जब की जिला के हर ग्राम में पांच केसेस है डेंगू के और इसके लिए जिम्मेदार यहां का जिला प्रशासन है जो जनता के प्रति पूर्ण रूप से उदासीन है |
Undoubtedly behaviours of the staffs like tyrant because of ineffective control of senior rank staffs in the district and most of the staffs are posted in the district for many years if transferred managed to remain in the district by applying so many tricks.
ReplyDeleteश्री मान जी छह छह महीने से नालिया नहीं साफ हुई है और घर का पानी नाली में बहने के बजाय नाली का पानी घर में घुस रहा है | आज कल तो जनसुनवाई पोर्टल पर भी मनमाना जवाब लगा कर मामले को ठंढे बस्ते में दाल दिया जाता है | क्या यही सुशासन है जहा भ्रस्टाचार व आराजकता का राज्य है | श्री मान दर्जनों शिकायते एंटी लार्वा सलूशन के छिड़काव के लिए की गयी किन्तु कई महीने से कोई नहीं दिखाई पद रहा है