Second Affidavit cum Indemnity Letter submitted by widow Vidya Devi as earlier was rejected by branch manger Bank of India

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Affidavit cum Indemnity Letter


In respect of payment of balance in deposit accounts / contents of the safe deposit of deceased person.


I Mrs Vidya Devi W/O Mr. Rajendra Pratap Singh, 73 years old, resident of village-Nibi Gaharwar, Post-Nibi Gaharwar, Police station-Vindhyachal, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-231303, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows.


1-I am the legal heir of the deceased Rajendra Pratap Singh and the deceased is my husband. 


2-I further state that I /Vidya Devi claim the balance deposit amount having the support/consent of my Sons 1-Mahesh Pratap Singh, 2-Arun Pratap Singh and 3-Keshav Pratap Singh ipso facto. 


3-I /Vidya Devi further state that the deceased aforementioned was holding an account Account Number : 686010100009011 Name of Bank and Branch : Mirzapur city Wellesley Ganj, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh.

At the time of death of the deceased aforementioned the account was having the credit of Rs. 168251.00 as informed by bank which is required to be paid by the bank with interest as required under law. 


4-I /Vidya Devi affirm that I am sole legal heir of the deceased who is entitled to receive the amount standing in the credit of the account belonging to the deceased aforementioned. 


5-I have requested the bank to make the payment of the amount standing in the credit of the account belonging to the deceased aforementioned together with the interest thereon as applicable to widow Vidya Devi being one of the legal heirs for and on behalf of the legal heirs. 


6-I /Vidya Devi aware that the bank has agreed to settle our claims relying on this affidavit and we agree to indemnify the bank in respect of such payment against any claim made by any person for the amount standing in the credit of the account belonging to the deceased aforementioned. 


7-I /Vidya Devi and my respective heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally agree, affirm and undertake that the bank, its successors and assigns and its managers, agents, officers and servants and their respective estates and effects are and shall from time to time and at all times hereafter be kept safe and saved harmless and indemnified for and in respect of such payments and against all actions, losses, cost, charges, expenses and demands whatever in respect of the said payment. 


All the averments made herein before are true and correct and I /Vidya Devi put my signature on 18/02/2022 in the presence of Mahesh Pratap Singh and Keshav Pratap Singh. 


Signature of witnesses                          Signature of the oath taker





  1. Whether following affidavit is in accordance with the law ensuring security to bank staff itself committing so many corrupt activities.
    I /Vidya Devi and my respective heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally agree, affirm and undertake that the bank, its successors and assigns and its managers, agents, officers and servants and their respective estates and effects are and shall from time to time and at all times hereafter be kept safe and saved harmless and indemnified for and in respect of such payments and against all actions, losses, cost, charges, expenses and demands whatever in respect of the said payment.

  2. I have requested the bank to make the payment of the amount standing in the credit of the account belonging to the deceased aforementioned together with the interest thereon as applicable to widow Vidya Devi being one of the legal heirs for and on behalf of the legal heirs.
    If the legal heirs have no objection, then why do the concerned staff procrastinate on the matter? Reason is simple that they are pressurizing for bribe ipso facto.

  3. Again they made the flimsy petext to procrastinate on the issue but concerned sorted out the objection by visiting the brinch.


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