Chief minister office arbitrarily closed grievance of Sugun Singh therefore information sought from chief minister office to fix its accountability

 Where is honesty in Uttar Pradesh as public functionaries are shielding corrupt through cunning tricks and targeting innocent. Sugun Singh

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Registration Number DOCMO/R/2022/60037

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 11-01-2022

RTI Fee Received    10

Online Reference Number IK0BMBHDW5

Transaction Status Success

Request filed with Chief Minister office

 Contact Details of Nodal Officer  

Telephone Number 9454412725


Online RTI Request Form Details

Public Authority Details :-


* Public Authority Chief Minister office


Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-

Registration Number DOCMO/R/2022/60037

Date of Filing 11/01/2022

* Name Yogi M P Singh

Gender Male

* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Jabalpur Road, District Mirzapur

Pincode 231001

Country India

State Uttar Pradesh

Status Details not provided

Educational Status Literate

  Above Graduate

Phone Number Details not provided

Mobile Number +91-7379105911

Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com

Request Details :-

Citizenship Indian

* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No

((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )

* Description of Information Sought Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2021/56784 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M P Singh Date of Receipt 03/10/2021 Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh Remarks अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित अवगत कराना है कि उक्त शिकायत जिला पूर्ति कार्यालय से संबन्धित है अतः प्रकरण निक्षेपित करने का कष्ट करे Officer Name Mr Arun Kumar Dubey, Joint Secretary, Organisation name Government of Uttar Pradesh Contact Address Chief Minister Secretariat Room No.321 U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow, For more information, vide attached document to this RTI communique. PIO may provide the following information point wise as sought. 1-Provide the name and designation of the subordinate officer who provided the aforementioned illogical conclusion that the matter concerns district supply office to escape the matter concerns deep rooted corruption. 2--Please provide the name and designation of the staff who cancelled the Ration card of the widow Sugun Singh. Why blatant misuse of power was not checked but concerned preferred to cancel the Ration card on the Large scale injured the interest of the vulnerable section of the people? . 3-You may also provide the account detail through which transactions were made. 4-You may disclose the detail of the Aadhaar name-AMIT KUMAR, who is the link to reach the other members of the scamsters. 5-How the Farmer ID-1990305426, Farmer-NITIN SINGH was prepared without adopting due procedure of the law? Provide the name and designation of the staff who authenticated Farmer ID-1990305426, Farmer-NITIN SINGH. 6-Name and designation of the staff of the chief minister office who accepted the grievance as disposed as the grievance still awaiting redress and concerning deep rooted corruption in the office concerned. 7-Please provide the reason for not forwarding the matter to dispose of after examining the contents instead of reaching cryptic disposal of grievance proliferating corruption in the government machinery.

* Concerned PIO Nodal Officer

Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))

Registration Number DOCMO/R/2022/60037

Name Yogi M P Singh

Date of Filing 11/01/2022

Status RTI REQUEST RECEIVED as on 11/01/2022

  Nodal Officer Details  

Telephone Number 9454412725



  1. PIO may provide the following information point wise as sought. 1-Provide the name and designation of the subordinate officer who provided the aforementioned illogical conclusion that the matter concerns district supply office to escape the matter concerns deep rooted corruption. 2--Please provide the name and designation of the staff who cancelled the Ration card of the widow Sugun Singh. Why blatant misuse of power was not checked but concerned preferred to cancel the Ration card on the Large scale injured the interest of the vulnerable section of the people? . 3-You may also provide the account detail through which transactions were made. 4-You may disclose the detail of the Aadhaar name-AMIT KUMAR, who is the link to reach the other members of the scamsters.


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