Your RTI Request filed successfully.
Please note down the following details for further references.
Registration Number LKDPA/R/2021/60469
Name Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing 18-12-2021
RTI Fee Received 10
Online Reference Number IK0BKWPZH0
Transaction Status Success
Contact Details of Nodal Officer
Telephone Number 9918001643
Online RTI Request Form Details
Public Authority Details :-
Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-
Registration Number LKDPA/R/2021/60469
Date of Filing 18/12/2021
* Name Yogi M P Singh
Gender Male
* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Shree Laxmi Narayan Baikunth Mahadev Mandir, Jabalpur Road
Pincode 231001
Country India
State Uttar Pradesh
Status Details not provided
Educational Status Literate
Above Graduate
Phone Number Details not provided
Mobile Number +91-7379105911
Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com
Request Details :-
Citizenship Indian
* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No
((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )
* Description of Information Sought Diary No 1865/IN/2021 Case / File No 2356/24/48/2021 Victim Name DINESH PRATAP SINGH Registration Date 22/07/2021 Action : Disposed with Directions(Action No 1) Action Date 14/12/2021 Authority THE VICE CHAIRMAN, LUCKNOW DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, LUCKNOW Procceeding याचिका की प्रतिलिपि उपाध्यक्ष, लखनऊ विकास प्राधिकरण, लखनऊ को इस निर्देश के साथ भेज दी जाये कि वह प्रार्थी श्री योगी एम0पी0 सिंह दिये गये शिकायती प्रार्थना पत्र के सन्दर्भ में जारी किये गये आदेशों के परिपेक्ष्य मे अपने स्तर से आवश्यक कार्यवाही सुनिश्चित करायें। For more details, vide attached document to this RTI Communique.
Public information officer, Lucknow development authority may provide the following information in reference to the aforementioned order passed by Honourable Human Rights Commission, Government of Uttar Pradesh point wise as sought.
1-PIO may provide date and time when public authority L.D.A. received the aforementioned order dated 14/12/2021 passed by the Honourable Human Rights Commission, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
2--PIO may provide the notings made by the competent authorities in order to comply with the passed order dated 14/12/2021 passed by the Honourable Human Rights Commission, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
3-PIO may provide the report if any submitted by the Lucknow Development Authority before the Honourable Human Rights Commission, Government of Uttar Pradesh in compliance of the aforementioned direction dated 14/12/2021 and time and date if not why.
4-PIO may provide the Posting details of the class 1 and class 2 employees in the Lucknow Development Authorities including date of joining with name and designation.
* Concerned PIO Nodal Officer
Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))
Registration Number LKDPA/R/2021/60469
Name Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing 18/12/2021
Status RTI REQUEST RECEIVED as on 18/12/2021
Nodal Officer Details
Telephone Number 9918001643
Diary No 1865/IN/2021 Case / File No 2356/24/48/2021 Victim Name DINESH PRATAP SINGH Registration Date 22/07/2021 Action : Disposed with Directions(Action No 1) Action Date 14/12/2021 Authority THE VICE CHAIRMAN, LUCKNOW DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, LUCKNOW Procceeding याचिका की प्रतिलिपि उपाध्यक्ष, लखनऊ विकास प्राधिकरण, लखनऊ को इस निर्देश के साथ भेज दी जाये कि वह प्रार्थी श्री योगी एम0पी0 सिंह दिये गये शिकायती प्रार्थना पत्र के सन्दर्भ में जारी किये गये आदेशों के परिपेक्ष्य मे अपने स्तर से आवश्यक कार्यवाही सुनिश्चित करायें। For more details, vide attached document to this RTI Communique.