Before reaching on any conclusion, police of Kotwali Prayagraj must register an FIR in case of mysterious deaths otherwise crime increases
समन्वित शिकायत निवारण प्रणाली, उत्तर प्रदेश
सन्दर्भ संख्या:- 40017521163921
लाभार्थी का विवरण
नाम Usha Devi पिता/पति का नाम Heera Lal Yadav
मोबइल नंबर(१) 9310264441 मोबइल नंबर(२)
आधार कार्ड न. ई-मेल
पता House No.-695, Padarath Lal ki Gali, Wellessely Ganj, District-Mirzapur,PIN Code-231001
आवेदन पत्र का ब्यौरा
आवेदन पत्र का संक्षिप्त ब्यौरा The matter concerns the mysterious death /demise of my Son named Sanjay Kumar S/O Heera Lal Yadav under the jurisdiction of Kotwali.
Deceased-Sanjay Kumar Date of death -27 June 2021
Time as told by the daughter in law -Kesh Kumari W/O Deceased is 7 AM
Place of tragic incident-Ajad Nagar, South Malaka , District-Prayagraj, PIN Code-211001
Cause of death as told by the daughter in law is current shock but not explicitly told perfect reason which may be accepted.
Most respectfully sheweth that
1-It is most unfortunate that daughter in law did not report the matter to the police.
2-In the matter concerning the current shock, police had to register the FIR and corpse had to be sent mortuary for examination.
3-The matter informed to Kotwali city but they did not register FIR by taking recourse of area of jurisdiction. Even applicant requested to register FIR and transfer it to concerned mandate.
4-The need of justice is the requirement of investigation by the police to sort out the cloud over the matter.
5-Whether police concerned is not failed to perform its duty as daughter in law bypassed the primary proceedings required in the case of casual death. Honourable please take action in the matter as required under the law because my daughter in law running away from telling us the factual position of the incident occurred.
Date-23/12/2021 Yours sincerely
Usha Devi W/O Heera Lal Yadav Address-House No.-695, Padarath Lal ki Gali, Wellessely Ganj, District-Mirzapur,PIN Code-231001
संदर्भ दिनांक 23-12-2021 पूर्व सन्दर्भ(यदि कोई है तो) 0,0
विभाग गृह एवं गोपन शिकायत श्रेणी एफ0आई0आर0 दर्ज करना
लाभार्थी का विवरण/शिकायत क्षेत्र का
शिकायत क्षेत्र का पता जिला- प्रयागराज
Whether police concerned is not failed to perform its duty as daughter in law bypassed the primary proceedings required in the case of casual death. Honourable please take action in the matter as required under the law because my daughter in law running away from telling us the factual position of the incident occurred.