Where is the accountability if the grievances are not reaching to concerned public authority in L.D.A. quite obvious from procrastination
Name Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing 06/10/2020
Details of Public Authority :- LUCKNOW DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.
vide registration number:- LKDPA/R/2020/80001 respectively.
Note:- Further details will be available on viewing the status of the above-mentioned new request registration number.
Nodal Officer Details
Telephone Number 9454416480
Email-ID commluc@nic.in
Registration Number LKDPA/R/2020/80001
Name Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing 21/10/2020
Status REQUEST DISPOSED OF as on 04/10/2021
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Nodal Officer Details
Telephone Number 9918001643
Email-ID ldartionline@gmail.com
Online RTI Request Form Details
Public Authority Details :-
Personal Details of RTI Applicant:-
Registration Number LKDPA/R/2020/80001
Date of Filing 21/10/2020
* Name Yogi M P Singh
Gender Male
* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Sangmohal post office
Pincode 231001
Country India
State Uttar Pradesh
Status Details not provided
Educational Status Literate
Phone Number Details not provided
Mobile Number +91-7379105911
Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com
Request Details :-
Citizenship Indian
* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No
((Description of Information sought (upto 500 characters) )
* Description of Information Sought आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40015719059911आवेदक का नाम-Yogi M P Singh अंतरितऑनलाइन सन्दर्भ11-09-2019 को मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय द्वारा अधीक्षण अभियंतामण्डल -लखनऊ,उ.प्र. आवास एवं विकास परिषद को प्रेषित और जिसका नियत तिथि 26-09-2019 थी श्रेणीकरण पूर्व निक्षेपित अधीक्षण अभियंता उ.प्र. आवास एवं विकास परिषद दिनांक 17-09-2019 को उपाध्यक्ष-लखनऊ,विकास प्राधिकरण को प्रेषित और जिसका नियत तिथि 26-09-2019 थी कृपया प्रकरण में नियमानुसार कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करें C-श्रेणीकरण मंडलायुक्त दिनांक 29-09-2020 को उपाध्यक्ष-लखनऊ,विकास प्राधिकरण को प्रेषित और जिसका नियत तिथि 31-08-2020 थी कृपयाकृपया प्रकरण का गंभीरता से पुनः परीक्षण कर नियमानुसार कार्यवाही करते हुए 07 दिवस में आख्या उपलब्ध कराए जाने की अपेक्षा की गई है आख्या प्रेषित, अनुमोदन लंबित
Public information officer may provide the following information point wise as sought.
1- The date fixed to dispose of the aforementioned grievance is 31/08/2020 and today is 05/10/2020 which means more than one month five days passed. Please provide the cause of undue delay even when the matter is concerned with the serious allegations of corruption.
2- It is quite obvious that L.D.A. submitted its report in the matter but not attached to the grievance as a complainant it is natural to provide the report to the complainant but not done by them. Please provide the copy of the report and reason for not providing the report to the complainant cum information seeker.
3- Please provide the certified and legible copies of the documents exchanged during the processing of the grievance by the public authority Lucknow development authority.
4- Provide the minutes of the proceedings during the processing of the grievance.
5- Whatever documents sought as reported through earlier communications must be provided in detail and detail of staff verified them.
* Concerned PIO Rajesh Shukla
Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB))
Registration Number LKDPA/A/2021/60002
Name Yogi M P Singh
Date of Filing 03/01/2021
Status APPEAL DISPOSED OF as on 18/01/2021
Reply :- Order passed, attached herewith.
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Nodal Officer Details
Telephone Number 9918001643
Email-ID ldartionline@gmail.com
Online RTI Appeal Form Details
Public Authority Details :-
Personal Details of Appellant:-
Request Registration Number LKDPA/R/2020/80001
Request Registration Date 21/10/2020
* Name Yogi M P Singh
Gender Male
* Address Mohalla Surekapuram , Sangmohal post office, District Mirzapur
Pincode 231001
Country India
State Uttar Pradesh
Status Details not provided
Educational Status Literate
Phone Number Details not provided
Mobile Number +91-7379105911
Email-ID myogimpsingh[at]gmail[dot]com
Appeal Details :-
Citizenship Indian
* Is the Applicant Below Poverty Line ? No
* Ground For Appeal No Response Within the Time Limit
* PIO of Public Authority approached Rajesh Shukla
PIO Order/Decision Number Details not provided
* PIO Order/Decision Date
((Description of Information sought (up to 500 characters)
* Prayer or Relief Sought Appellant sought information from commissioner Lucknow on 06/10/2020 online on the government website of the Government of Uttar Pradesh by paying requisite R.T.I. fee into the treasury of the government of Uttar Pradesh. The registration number of the aforementioned R.T.I. Communique is COLKW/R/2020/60020. Since the matter concerns the irregularity of the public authority Lucknow Development Authority more closely therefore commissioner Lucknow Division forwarded the aforementioned R.T.I. Communique to Lucknow Development Authority. The registration number of the forwarded R.T.I. communique as aforementioned is LKDPA/R/2020/80001 and its date of registration is 21/10/2020. Under subsection 1 of section 7 of the Right to Information Act 2005, provision categorically articulates that CPIO/PIO will provide information to the information seeker within stipulated 30 days from the date of receipt of the R.T.I. Communique in the office of the public authority. Ipso facto public information officer concerned violated the aforementioned provision of the Right to Information Act 2005.Here violation of the aforementioned provision by PIO invites disciplinary action against PIO through F.A.A. Moreover PIO concerned under the direction of F.A.A. provide the point wise information as sought by the appellant.
Supporting document ((only pdf upto 1 MB)) Supporting document not provided
Public information officer may provide the following information point wise as sought.
ReplyDelete1- The date fixed to dispose of the aforementioned grievance is 31/08/2020 and today is 05/10/2020 which means more than one month five days passed. Please provide the cause of undue delay even when the matter is concerned with the serious allegations of corruption.
2- It is quite obvious that L.D.A. submitted its report in the matter but not attached to the grievance as a complainant it is natural to provide the report to the complainant but not done by them. Please provide the copy of the report and reason for not providing the report to the complainant cum information seeker.
3- Please provide the certified and legible copies of the documents exchanged during the processing of the grievance by the public authority Lucknow development authority.
4- Provide the minutes of the proceedings during the processing of the grievance.
5- Whatever documents sought as reported through earlier communications must be provided in detail and detail of staff verified them.
इस जन सूचना अधिकार 2005 को कांग्रेस सरकार ने अपने शासनकाल में इस उद्देश्य से लाया था कि इससे लोक प्राधिकरण में पारदर्शिता और जवाबदेही बढ़ेगी जिससे भ्रष्टाचार पर जो बहुत तेजी से बढ़ रहा है उस पर अंकुश लगेगा किंतु उसके बाद भाजपा सरकार आ गई और हमारे प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी साहब और प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ जी ने इतना अच्छा पहल किया कि यह जन सूचना अधिकार 2005 कूड़े के ढेर में चला गया किसी भी जन सूचना अधिकारी पर जो भी दंड आरोपित होता है उसकी वसूली प्रदेश सरकार कभी नहीं करती है यही कारण है इस अराजकता का