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Application under section 116 of the U.P. Revenue Code 2006, U.P. Act
No. 8 of 2012 Last Updated 30th March 2021 to seek its share of Land from
Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh and restrain him from arbitrary
sale of transitory land inherited from inheritors. Petitioner is a widow so
Kindly grant her reprieve so that her rights may be safeguarded from oppression
perpetrated by her own father-in-law.
In the court of
Hon’ble Sub divisional Magistrate Sadar
Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh
Prayer - Please direct concerned staff of Tahsil Sadar to divide the
unpartitioned land between coshare holders in the name of father-in-law
Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh. It is my humble request to the
Honourable Sir to restrain opposition party Raghuvar Dayal
Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh from selling transitory land inherited from
ancestors without dividing among shareholders as illegal acts are being
committed by him arbitrarily.
Applicant cum Petitioner - Kiran Singh W/O Late Mr. Jagdish Singh
Address: Village - Kothara Kantit, Balua, Post - Shree Nivas Dham,
Police station - Jigana,
District: Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-231313, Mobile
Opposition party details are as follows:
Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh
Address: Village - Kothara Kantit, Balua, Post - Shree Nivas Dham,
Police station - Jigana,
District: Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, PIN Code-231313
Most revered Sir–Your applicant invites the kind attention of Honourable
Sir with due respect to the following submissions as follows:
1-I pray before the Honourable Sir that 51A. Fundamental duties It
shall be the duty of every citizen of India (a) to abide by the Constitution
and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National
Anthem;(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry
and reform;
(i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and
collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of
endeavour and achievement.
2-I pray before the Honourable Sir that Hon'ble Sir may take a glance of
the section 116 Suit for division of holding.
U.P. Revenue Code, 2006, U.P. Act No. 8 of 2012 Last Updated 30th March,
2021 116. Suit for division of holding. - A bhumidhar may sue for the
division of the holding of which he is a co-sharer. In every such suit, the
Court may also divide the trees, wells and other improvements existing on such
holding but where such division is not possible, the trees, wells and other
improvements aforesaid and valuation thereof shall be divided and adjusted in
the manner prescribed. One suit may be instituted for the division of more
holdings than one where all the parties to the suit other than the Gram
Panchayat] are jointly interested in each of the holdings.
3-I pray before the Honourable Sir that Hon'ble Sir may take a glance at
the report dated 17/07/2021 attached to this representation. According to the
report, the matter is of judicial nature and remedy is available under section
116 of the U.P. Revenue Code, 2006, U.P. Act No. 8 of 2012 Last Updated 30th March,2021.
Honourable Sir may be pleased to take the perusal of annexure 1 of this
petition cum case.
4-It is submitted before the Honourable Sir that श्री मान जी इस शिकायत के साथ संलग्न दस्तावेज के साथ प्रथम पेज खाता संख्या १३६ का विवरण है द्वितीय पेज आपके लेखपाल की रिपोर्ट है जो उन्होंने शिकायत संख्या:-40019921010584
में लगा कर निस्तारित कराये है अब आप खाता संख्या १३६ के सम्बन्ध में पारित आदेश का अवलोकन करे शाखा प्रबंधक इलाहाबाद यू पी ग्रामीण बैंक शाखा श्री निवासधाम दिनांक २६/०२/२०२१८ तहसीलदार सदर दिनांक ०५/०३/२०१८ ग्राम कोठरा मांडा के खाता संख्या १३६ पर दर्ज खातेदार रघुवर दयाल सिंह पुत्र भानु प्रताप सिंह के हिस्से की भूमि बैंक के पक्ष में बंधक की जाती है हस्ताक्षर दिनांक ०५/०३/२०१८ श्री मान जी प्रार्थी
विधवा किरन सिंह ने कोई कर्ज नहीं लिया है रघुवर दयाल सिंह स्पस्ट करे की वह कर्ज क्यों लिए श्री मान जी हम लोगो का बटवारा ०४ अप्रैल २००१ को मौखिक तौर पर श्री मान जी उपरोक्त भूखंड को बंधक मुक्त करिये हमे और विधवा को न्याय दीजिए श्री मान जी रघुवर दयाल सिंह पूर्वजो
से प्राप्त जमीन के संरक्षक है न की मालिक क्योकि वह उनकी कमाई नहीं है नहीं है और अब सभी लड़के बयस्क है व्यक्तिगत लाभ की लिए सामूहिक जमीन को बंधक नहीं रखा जा सकता है
Honourable Sir may be pleased to take the perusal of annexure 2 of this
petition cum case.
5-It is submitted before the Honourable Sir that Applicant is
facing daily quarrels because of two brothers of the husband and father-in-law
who are still alive, whose name is Raghuvar Dayal Singh. There are four sons of
the father-in-law and two of them having patronage of the father-in-law
conspire against aforementioned aggrieved resulting in serious physical
assaults on our families which may cause fatalities to our family members.
Honourable Subdivisional magistrate Sadar, the applicant kindly informs that
partition of the hereditary land took place in our family i.e. among four
brothers took place on 04 April 2001 unanimously which means our partition of
the land is 20 years old. This year they, under the immoral suggestion of my
father-in-law, again made the partition of the land arbitrarily unacceptable to
us, resulting in a serious physical assault on our family members reported to
the police station regarding repeated physical assaults this year. It is a
humble request of this widow Kiran Singh that either the status quo of
partition dated 04 April 2001 may be kept intact or Honourable Sub Divisional
Magistrate Sadar may direct his subordinates to dispose of the matter as
required under law, but everything must be fair and stable. Sir, how can it be justified
that land may be prepared for cultivation by ploughing and putting fertilizers
into the fields, then father-in-law may again divide the land and our prepared
land may be given to his sons to whom favour his biased blessings are flowing.
Undoubtedly he must be impartial in the matter, but he is playing a key role in
the controversies. He himself instigated the opposition to assault on our kiths
and kins. Undoubtedly he must be impartial in the matter as most revered to us
God may provide him with a rational mind. O God save.
6-I pray before the Honourable Sir that Hon'ble Sir which canon law
allows that father may deprive the son from the ancestral properties in cryptic
and mysterious ways as being done by the Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh
quite obvious from the attached document and the following submissions? According
to the Hindu Succession Act of 1956, a son or daughter has the first right as
the Class I heirs over the self-acquired property of his or her father if he
dies intestate (without leaving a will). As a co-partner, an individual also
has the legal right to acquire his or her share of ancestral property. This
grievance may be considered as a caveat if any ancestral property is
Transferred by Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh as seller in the
form of registry or any other way. .Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh
may be declared Bhumidhar with non-transferable rights as he is selling
ancestral property without the consent of his son
O God help me. For this, the applicant shall ever pray for you
Honourable Sir.
Date-12/11/2021 Yours
Kiran Singh W/O Late Mr. Jagdish Singh
Address: Village - Kothara Kantit, Balua, Post - Shree Nivas Dham,
Police station - Jigana, District: Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, PIN
Code-231313, Mobile number-9151599436
Please direct concerned staff of Tahsil Sadar to divide the unpartitioned land between coshare holders in the name of father-in-law Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh. It is my humble request to the Honourable Sir to restrain opposition party Raghuvar Dayal Singh S/O Bhanu Pratap Singh from selling transitory land inherited from ancestors without dividing among shareholders as illegal acts are being committed by him arbitrarily.