Whether it is not anarchy? huge number of ration cards cancelled without enquiry by the government of Uttar Pradesh. Sugun Singh


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2021/50656
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M P Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
From the first page of the attached PDF document, it is quite obvious that no enquiry was carried out by the government of Uttar Pradesh regarding the ration cardholders who sold paddy and wheat over three Lakh rupees. How can office of the district supply officer Mirzapur cancel the ration card of large number of ration cardholders merely on the bogus report prepared by the corrupt staffs of the government concerned with the malpractices of the government staffs themselves?  Why the government of Uttar Pradesh is frightened itself in ordering a transparent and accountable enquiry through a proper agency which may look into the matter at the grassroot level. 
Submissions before Uttar Pradesh Human Rights Commission.
The matter concerns the 415 arbitrary cancellation Ration cards of the poor Ration cardholders living below the poverty line in the development block- Chhanvey alone without pursuing due procedure of the law by the S.D.M. Sadar Mr. Gaurav Shrivastava. Undoubtedly, S.D.M. Gaurav Shrivastava cancelled the 415 ration cards of poor people merely on the ground that they have sold the wheat and paddy of price above Rs.300000.00 to achieve the cheap popularity of honesty, but he did not ensure that whether seller is family member of the poor ration cardholder or planted agent of the department of the civil supply district Mirzapur?
Sir, whether presumption innocence was followed by the S.D.M. Sadar Mr. Gaurav Shrivastava in awarding punishment to the poor ration cardholders by cancelling the ration card on the large scale without any finding which may prove them guilty. Ipso facto there is large scale human rights violation by the S.D.M. Sadar Mr. Gaurav Shrivastava in order to conceal the wrongdoings of corrupt public staffs belonging to the same department using rice mill owners, own agents and intermediaries to pave the way for malpractices. 
Now family of the innocent poor ration cardholders is on verge of hunger because of tyranny and arbitrariness of the S.D.M. Sadar Mr. Gaurav Shrivastava therefore the matter concerns the large scale violation of the human rights must be looked into by the Honourable commission. Deaths due to starvation must be avoided Sir.  Paddy and wheat of Rs.396763.20 sold in the name of Son Nitin Singh of the widow Sugun Singh W/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh, both don't know about conspiracy.
शिकायत संख्या:-40019921018111 आवेदक का नाम- Sugun Singh विषय-बिना सारगर्भित जांच के आपने प्रार्थिनी का राशन कार्ड कैंसिल कर दिया इसलिए शीघ्रता से उसे बिना टाल मटोल के उसको बहाल करे तथा ईमानदार अधिकारिओं की टीम से बहुत बड़े घोटाले का खुलासा करे अन्यथा झूठा घंटा पीटते रहे ईमानदारी का और राशन कार्ड बहाली के नाम पर भी कमाई करे Applicant is a widow whose name is Sugun Singh and name of the husband is Late Krishna Kumar Singh. विकास खंड छानवे तहसील -सदर जनपद -मिर्ज़ापुर में राशन कार्ड धारको द्वारा तीन लाख से ऊपर धान और गेहू विक्रय करने वाले राशन कार्ड धारको की सूची में मेरे पुत्र नितिन सिंह का सूची में नाम है जिसका विवरण निम्न है Serial number-271, District- Mirzapur, Farmer ID-1990305426, Farmer-NITIN SINGH, Aadhaar name-AMIT KUMAR, Amount-396763.20 Ration Card ID-219940604126 RC Head of Family Name- SUGUN SINGH, block Name- CHHANVEY, Shopkeeper NAME-MUKESH KUMAR SINGH
Short submissions are as follows.
1-You may also provide the account detail through which transactions were made.
2-You may disclose the detail of the Aadhaar name-AMIT KUMAR, who is the link to reach the other members of the scamsters.
3-How the Farmer ID-1990305426, Farmer-NITIN SINGH,was prepared without adopting due procedure of the law?
4-Why blatant misuse of power was not checked but concerned preferred to cancel the Ration card on the Large scale injured the interest of the vulnerable section of the people?
Grievance Document
Current Status
Grievance received   
Date of Action
Officer Concerns To
Forwarded to
Uttar Pradesh
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey
Officer Designation
Joint Secretary
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat Room No.321 U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number


  1. बिना सारगर्भित जांच के आपने प्रार्थिनी का राशन कार्ड कैंसिल कर दिया इसलिए शीघ्रता से उसे बिना टाल मटोल के उसको बहाल करे तथा ईमानदार अधिकारिओं की टीम से बहुत बड़े घोटाले का खुलासा करे अन्यथा झूठा घंटा पीटते रहे ईमानदारी का और राशन कार्ड बहाली के नाम पर भी कमाई करे


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