Complaint submitted against sub-inspector Ram Nivas Singh for misusing power

Submissions before UPHRC 
An enquiry may be carried out by the competent staff of the government to check the blatant abuse of Cr. P.C. 107/116 by sub-inspector Ram Nivas Singh at the behest of Station Officer inspector Shesh Dhar Pandey. The matter concerns with the atrocity perpetrated by musclemen on the widow Sugun Singh W/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh, whose husband died last year during the Coronavirus pandemic. Whether it justified to implicate the widow and her two sons under section 107/116 of Cr. P.C. by the station officer Vindhyachal Kotwali on 03 June 2021. There is apprehension of breach of peace to station officer Kotwali Vindhyachal by the followings. 1-Sugun Singh W/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh, Age-55 years 2-Atul Kumar Singh S/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh age-21 years 3-Nitin Singh S/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh age-19 years Factual position is that when the criminal incident took place both Atul Kumar Singh and Nitin Singh were on their duty as both are doing private jobs. Undoubtedly, concerned sub-inspector Ram Nivas Singh blatantly misused the power and position. Prayer-Honourable chairman / Honourable member of the Uttar Pradesh human rights commission may direct superintendent of police District-Mirzapur to direct the competent staff to check the biased approach of the Sub-inspector Ram Nivas Singh as his integrity is under cloud since the beginning. Moreover, instead of taking action against vulnerable widow at the place of crime at the instigation of Ashok Kumar Singh alias Angad Singh, Vindhyachal police specially Sub-inspector Ram Nivas Singh might have to take action against the criminal elements who were abusing and assaulting the vulnerable widow. There is need of transparent and accountable enquiry so that wrongdoers may be exposed who misused their post and rank to achieve ulterior designs. Think about the gravity of situation that action was taken against justice seeker vulnerable widow and her bereaved son somehow earning two square meal and faults of widow are that she is seeking justice against injustice perpetrated by musclemen by colluding with local police. They means police concerned awarded the punishment for raising voice to seek justice. Whether it is good governance of Yogi Aditya Nath Sir? 

संदर्भ संख्या : 40019921014448 , दिनांक - 24 Aug 2021 तक की स्थिति

आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण :

शिकायत संख्या:-40019921014448

आवेदक का नाम-Sugun Singhविषय-The matter concerns with the atrocity perpetrated by musclemen on the widow Sugun Singh W/O Krishna Kumar Singh whose husband died last year during the Coronavirus pandemic. Whether it justified to implicate the widow and her sons under section 107/116 of Cr.P.C. by the station officer Vindhyachal Kotwali. There is apprehension of breach of peace to station officer Kotwali Vindhyachal by the followings. 1-Sugun Singh W/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh, Age-55 years 2-Atul Kumar Singh S/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh age-21 years 3-Nitin Singh S/O Late Krishna Kumar Singh age-19 years Factual position is that when the following incident took place both Atul Kumar Singh and Nitin Singh were on their duty as both are doing private jobs. Undoubtedly concerned sub-inspector blatantly misused the power and position. Prayer-Honourable superintendent of police may direct the competent staff to check the biased approach of the Sub-inspector Ram Nivas Singh as his integrity is under cloud since the beginning. Moreover, instead of taking action against vulnerable widow and his innocent sons, Vindhyachal police specially Sub-inspector Ram Nivas Singh might have to take against the criminal elements who were abusing and assaulting the vulnerable widow. There is need of transparent and accountable enquiry so that wrongdoers may be exposed who misuse their post and rank to achieve ulterior designs. Think about the gravity of situation that action was taken against justice seeker vulnerable widow and her bereaved son somehow earning two square meal. They awarded the punishment for raising voice to seek justice. Whether it is good governance of Yogi Aditya Nath Sir? The following complaint has been categorized as in C-category and report S.H.O. Kotwali Vindhyachal with comment आवश्यक कार्यवाही करते हुए गुणवत्तापूर्ण जाँच रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करे and again submitted report is cancelled. Which means wrongdoer staff of Kotwali Vindhyachal is under the scrutiny of vigilant eye of superintendent of police Mirzapur. Tahsil itself saying that land is un-partitioned repeatedly quite obvious from attached document. संदर्भ संख्या : 40019921008614 , दिनांक - 04 Aug 2021 तक की स्थिति आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40019921008614 आवेदक का नाम- Sugun Singh विषय-श्री मान जी विवेचक महोदय मनगढ़ंत जवाब लगा कर बैठ गए और फीडबैक पर कोई कार्यवाही नहीं हुई परिणाम यह की अशोक कुमार सिंह उर्फ अंगद सिंह के ;ललकारने पर उनका पुत्र शिवराम और प्रभाकर सिंह मुझ विधवा को जान से मारने की नियत से गणासा ले कर मारने दौड़े किन्तु उपस्थित लोगो ने बीच बचाव किया घटना आज का करीब ११ बजे का है कृपया विवेचक महोदय की जिम्मेदारी सुनिश्चित किया जाय और दबंगो के विरुद्ध मुझ विधवा को जान मारने की नियत से आघात करने के प्रयास का मुकदमा पंजीकृत सुसंगत धाराओं निरुद्ध किया जाय तहसील खुद बटवारा से इंकार कर रहा है विवेचक महोदय कुछ उलटी ही गंगा बहा रहे है विवेचक की जांच के उपरांत प्रार्थी पर जानलेवा हमला खुद विवेचक महोदय अखंडता संदेह पैदा करती है विवेचक थाना विंध्याचल की आख्या संलग्न है For more detail vide attached document to the grievance cum complaint.

विभाग -पुलिसशिकायत श्रेणी -

नियोजित तारीख-03-09-2021शिकायत की स्थिति-

स्तर -क्षेत्राधिकारी स्तरपद -क्षेत्राधिकारी / सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त

प्राप्त रिमाइंडर-

प्राप्त फीडबैक -दिनांक को फीडबैक:-

फीडबैक की स्थिति -

संलग्नक देखें -Click here

नोट- अंतिम कॉलम में वर्णित सन्दर्भ की स्थिति कॉलम-5 में अंकित अधिकारी के स्तर पर हुयी कार्यवाही दर्शाता है!

अग्रसारित विवरण :

क्र.स. सन्दर्भ का प्रकार आदेश देने वाले अधिकारी प्राप्त/आपत्ति दिनांक नियत दिनांक अधिकारी को प्रेषित आदेश स्थिति

1 अंतरित ऑनलाइन सन्दर्भ 04-08-2021 03-09-2021 क्षेत्राधिकारी / सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त-क्षेत्राधिकारी , नगर ,जनपद-मिर्ज़ापुर,पुलिस अधीनस्थ को प्रेषित

2 अंतरित क्षेत्राधिकारी / सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त (पुलिस ) 14-08-2021 03-09-2021 थानाध्‍यक्ष/प्रभारी नि‍रीक्षक-विन्ध्याचल,जनपद-मिर्ज़ापुर,पुलिस आवश्यक कार्यवाही करने का कष्ट करें एवं आख्या प्रेषित करें कार्यालय स्तर पर लंबित


  1. Think about the gravity of situation that action was taken against justice seeker vulnerable widow and her bereaved son somehow earning two square meal and faults of widow are that she is seeking justice against injustice perpetrated by musclemen by colluding with local police. They means police concerned awarded the punishment for raising voice to seek justice. Whether it is good governance of Yogi Aditya Nath Sir?

    SHRC, Uttar Pradesh
    Case Details
    HRCNet HRCNet HRCNet

    Diary No 2304/IN/2021 Case / File No 2764/24/55/2021
    Victim Name SUGUN SINGH Registration Date 20/09/2021
    Action List (Click on Action given in blue color to view details)
    No action taken yet
    Expand All Action List
    Diary No 2304/IN/2021 Section CHPR
    Received Date 24/08/2021 Complaint Date 24/08/2021
    Victim Name SUGUN SINGH Gender Female
    Religion Hindu Cast General
    HRCNet HRCNet HRCNet
    District MIRZAPUR State UTTAR PRADESH ( 231001 )
    Incident Place KOTWALI VINDHYACHAL MIRZAPUR Incident Date 03/06/2021
    Incident Category ABUSE OF POWER
    Incident District MIRZAPUR Incident State UTTAR PRADESH
    Incident Details


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