Corruption in office of additional secretary is rampant as staffs are procrastinating in rectifying the date of birth of Pradip Kumar Maurya


Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2018/10677

Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Yogi M. P. Singh
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Uttar Pradesh
Grievance Description
An application under article 51 A of the constitution of India seeking justice for a student of weaker section suffered a lot without any fault but the careless staff of the Uttar Pradesh Board entertaining the luxuries of the air-cooled office. Whether such unethical practice is justified.
The matter is concerned with the incorrect entries made by Uttar Pradesh Board of High school and intermediate in date of birth of the High school marks sheet and its co-certificate of Sandip Kumar Maurya whose marks sheet was issued in the year 2015.
Applicant-Pradip Kumar Maurya Father-Shiv Shankar Maurya Village-Chaturiya Post-Vihasara District-Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh PIN Code-231303 Mobile number- 8756516963 and 9118365123 Aadhaar number-857311648335.
Sir, please take a glance at the following points as follows.
1-On 13 Aug 2015, principal of the college wrote a letter to additional secretary UP Board to correct an error made by the Board in the marks sheet of the applicant as the date of birth -07-07-1999 was incorrectly printed 07-07-1996 by the board on the marks sheet of the applicant. Please take a glance at the first page of the attached PDF document.
2-Please, take a perusal of page 2 of the attached PDF document with this representation which is marks sheet of the applicant bearing an incorrect date of birth of the applicant as07-07-1996 but actually, it must be 07-07-1999 which means the applicant has been made three years older by UP Board by incorrect entries made by its staffs.
3-Sir, you may take a glance at the third page of attached PDF documents which is school leaving certificate of the applicant at the fifth standard and this transfer certificate explicitly shows that date of birth of the applicant is 07-07-1999.
4-Please, take a perusal of page 4 of the attached PDF document with this representation which is the affidavit of the applicant under proforma-1 proforma-2 and proforma-3 had been submitted as sought concerned public authority.
5--Please, take a perusal of page 5 of the attached PDF document with this representation which is the communication of secretary of the regional office of the board of secondary education addressed to the principal of the college invited removal of few objections made by the staffs concerned, through the applicant.
6-Please, take a perusal of page 6 of the attached PDF document with this representation which is an affidavit of the applicant on a non-judicial stamp of Rs.10 as sought by them.
7-5--Please, take a perusal of page 7 of the attached PDF document with this representation, the applicant is registered for the exam year 2015 which explicitly shows the date of birth of the applicant is 07-07-1999.
8- Sir, you may take a glance at the eighth page of attached PDF documents which is the admission form submitted by the applicant for a ninth class and date of birth shown in the form is 07-07-1999.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed   
Date of Action

 prakaran ke sambandh me aakhya sanlagn hai. prakaran me office se koi karywahi apekshit nahi hai.
Reply Document
Rating Remarks
Grievances are disposed of by submitting arbitrary inconsistent reports on the public grievance portal and later on when information is sought from them they do not provide information whether it reflects the good governance in the Government of Uttar Pradesh where no information is made available to the information seeker and whatever penalties are imposed on the public information officers is not recovered by the government of Uttar Pradesh. Think about the deep rooted corruption in the office of additional secretary regional office of of high school and intermediate board of government of Uttar Pradesh that student is knocking entire doors since 2015 but they did not provide him rectified certificate. Concerned has increased the age of the student through manipulation in the date of birth. They are not rectifying the date of birth because student did not provide them bribe. Whether there is rule of law in the office of additional secretary who is making the mockery of the rule?
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey
Officer Designation
Joint Secretary
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat Room No.321 U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number


  1. More than one and half year passed but concerned officer additional secretary regional office Varanasi of Uttar Pradesh Board of High school and Intermediate did not provide information to the information seeker because he is avoiding to be exposed in the public domain. Moreover they did not provide information in two R.T.I. Communiques. Undoubtedly corruption is rampant in the office of the additional secretary having blessing of responsible public functionaries in the Uttar Pradesh.

  2. ऐसा प्रतीत होता है की माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद उत्तर प्रदेश इलाहाबाद के क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय वाराणसी में भ्रष्टाचार का ही बोलबाला है यही कारण है त्रुटि सुधार के लिए अच्छी खासी बनिया गिरी की जाती है यह मोलतोल बहुत बड़े भ्रष्टाचार का हिस्सा है और जिसे वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों द्वारा रोका नहीं जा रहा है जबकि हर किसी के संज्ञान में है वहां पर बहुत बड़ी गड़बड़ी हो रही है


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