Matter is sub judice, how can registry of land be made in favour of third party by sub divisional magistrate Sadar?

 Growing anarchy because of corruption and insensitive judiciary is root cause of entire problems. It seems that our democracy has been hijacked. 

Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2021/0257686
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Vineet Kumar Maurya
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Prime Ministers Office
Grievance Description
The matter concerns the corruption of office of sub divisional magistrate Sadar District Mirzapur who is running away from providing relevant reports on the grievances submitted on the PMO portal quite obvious from his fraudulent approach. Tehsil Sadar is acting by colluding with the Land Mafia root cause to run away from providing consistent report in the grievances.
प्रार्थी द्वारा जनसूचना आवेदन शुल्क निम्न ट्रांज़ैक्शन द्वारा किया गया
Dear Customer, Thx for INB txn of Rs.10 frm A/c X1675 to UP CYBER T. Ref IK0BBYIHX4 on 15Apr21. If not done, fwd this SMS to 9223008333 to block INB or call 1800111109-SBI
Dear Customer, OTP to approve transaction of Rs. 10.00 from your A/c No. ending 1675 to UP CYBER TREASURY is 96029555. Do not share with anyone. -SBI
प्रार्थी को वांछित सूचना
Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2021/0191083
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Vineet Maurya
Date of Receipt 15/03/2021 Received By Ministry/Department Prime Ministers Office. More detail is attached to communique.
This grievance has been disposed of by concerned mandate with the comment that report is uploaded with due respect.
1-Please provide the uploaded report by concerned mandate regarding aforementioned registration number.
2-Please provide the action report in case the public staff says the report uploaded but fraudulently not uploaded by him.
3-Action taken in aforementioned grievance for fraudulent activity.
Grievance Document
Current Status
Grievance Received
Date of Action
Officer Concerns To
Forwarded to
Prime Ministers Office
Officer Name
Shri Ambuj Sharma
Officer Designation
Under Secretary (Public)
Contact Address
Public Wing 5th Floor, Rail Bhawan New Delhi
Email Address
Contact Number
Gmail Arun Pratap Singh <>
Bank transaction successful but they did not complete last stage to send registration number.
1 message
Arun Pratap Singh <> 15 April 2021 at 09:59
To: RTI-Online <>, cmup <>,,,, supremecourt <>, pmosb <>,, urgent-action <>,
Whether third grade services provided by the government may be an indication of good governance but few flatterers are stumbling blocks in reaching true voice to pioneering bodies.
Whether R.T.I. website is again in dilapidated state because of lack of proper maintenance?
प्रार्थी द्वारा जनसूचना आवेदन शुल्क निम्न ट्रांज़ैक्शन द्वारा किया गया 
Dear Customer, Thx for INB txn of Rs.10 frm A/c X1675 to UP CYBER T. Ref IK0BBYIHX4 on 15Apr21. If not done, fwd this SMS to 9223008333 to block INB or call 1800111109-SBI
Dear Customer, OTP to approve transaction of Rs. 10.00 from your A/c No. ending 1675 to UP CYBER TREASURY is 96029555. Do not share with anyone. -SBI
प्रार्थी को वांछित सूचना 
Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2021/0191083
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Vineet Maurya
Date of Receipt 15/03/2021 Received By Ministry/Department Prime Ministers Office. More detail is attached to communique.
This grievance has been disposed of by concerned mandate with the comment that report is uploaded with due respect.
1-Please provide the uploaded report by concerned mandate regarding aforementioned registration number.
2-Please provide the action report in case the public staff says the report uploaded but fraudulently not uploaded by him.  
3-Action taken in aforementioned grievance for fraudulent activity. 
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This is a humble request of your applicant to you Hon’ble Sir that how can anyone justify to withhold public services arbitrarily and promote anarchy, lawlessness and chaos arbitrarily by making the mockery of law of land? There is need of the hour to take harsh steps against the wrongdoer to win the confidence of citizenry and strengthen the democratic values for healthy and prosperous democracy. For this, your applicant shall ever pray for you, Hon’ble Sir.

Date-15/04/2021                                                                 Yours sincerely

                           Vineet Maurya S/O Bhairo Prasad Maurya, Mobile number-7887200402, Tahsil-Sadar, Police station-Kotwali Dehat, District-Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, Pin code-231001. 

Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2021/0191083
Grievance Concerns To
Name Of Complainant
Vineet Maurya
Date of Receipt
Received By Ministry/Department
Prime Ministers Office
Grievance Description
Redressal of the grievance is done on the basis of the merit of the contents of the submitted grievance and when the wrongdoing was made by the sub divisional magistrate Sadar then how the grievances can be redressed by the tehsildar Sadar who is the subordinate of the sub divisional magistrate Sadar? Whether the Government of Uttar Pradesh takes action against the land mafia in such a 3rd grade standard manner?
संदर्भ संख्या : 40019920025864 , दिनांक - 14 Mar 2021 तक की स्थिति आवेदनकर्ता का विवरण : शिकायत संख्या:-40019920025864 आवेदक का नाम-Vineet Kumar Maurya श्री मान जी न्यायिक और प्रशासनिक निर्णयों का आधार तर्क होता है श्री मान जी प्रथम पेज संलग्नक का तहसीलदार सदर की आख्या दिनांक ०२ मार्च २०२१ है जिसमे उनका निस्तारण का आधार पुलिस द्वारा मामले में दबाव बना कर समझौता कराना और मामला न्यायालय में विचाराधीन है इसलिए हस्तक्षेप से इंकार है महोदय संलग्नक का द्वितीय पेज क्षेत्राधिकारी सदर की आख्या दिनांक २० दिसंबर २०२० जिसके अनुसार जमीन की रजिस्ट्री एक तीसरे पार्टी को की गई जिसकी मालिकाना तीसरी पार्टी को पुलिस और तहसील में मिलजुल कर किया है गौर करने की बात यह है की मालिकाना का बिबाद दो पक्षों के बीच है जब की तहसील द्वारा तीसरे पक्ष को मालिकाना हक़ प्रदान करके पुलिस के माध्यम से जमीन का कब्ज़ा करा दिया गया और पुलिस द्वारा यह दबाव उपजिलाधिकारी सदर की वजह से बनाया गया अब प्रश्न यह है की भू माफियाओं के दबाव में आकर उपजिलाधिकारी सदर द्वारा नियम विरुद्ध अराजकता पूर्ण कार्य क्यों किया गया प्रार्थी तो न्यायालय के कार्यक्षेत्र में अनधिकृत प्रवेश करने के लिए उपजिलाधिकारी सदर के विरुद्ध नियमानुसार कार्यवाही की मांग करता है साथ ही एक उच्च स्तरीय जांच जो ईमानदारी से प्रशासन और भू माफिया के गठजोड़ को अनावरण करे जिनके समक्ष न्यायालय भी नपुंसक बन गया है श्री मान जी महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य यह है की उपजिलाधिकारी सदर द्वारा सिविल न्यायालय की कार्यवाही में अनावश्यक हस्तक्षेप करने और अधिकारिता को दातो तले लेना कौन सा कैनन लॉ न्यायोचित ठहरा रहा है श्री मान जी संलग्नक संलग्नक के पेज ३ व ४ देखे दिनांक20-02-2021 को फीडबैक:-महोदय अविवेक पूर्ण निस्तारण केवल शिकायतों की संख्या को बढाता है दिनांक २५०१२०२१ की रिपोर्ट उपजिलाधिकारी की और से प्रस्तुत किया गया है जिसमे उन्होंने यह कह कर मुक्ति पा ली की मामला पुलिस से सम्बंधित है क्यों की पुलिस द्वारा दबाव बना कर सुलह कराया गया है जब की प्रार्थी द्वारा निवेदन का सारांश कुछ इस प्रकार है क्षेत्राधिकारी सदर की रिपोर्ट दिनांक २० दिसंबर २०२० के अनुसार उपजिलाधिकारी के आदेश का पालन करने के क्रम में जमीन का सीमांकन पुलिस द्वारा निश्चित कराया गया और अपराधिक दंड संहिता की धारा १०७१६ का उपयोग पक्षों पर लगा करके पुलिस द्वारा शांति कायम किया गया है यह कैसे न्यायोचित है क्या उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार इस आराजकता को रोकेगी जब मुकदमे का निर्णय सक्षम सिविल न्यायालय में मामले से सम्बंधित जमीन के टाइटल से सम्बंधित लंबित है तो कैसे विपक्ष द्वारा तीसरे पक्ष को जमीन की रजिस्ट्री कर दी जो की संलग्न दस्तावेजों से स्पस्ट है सरकारी तंत्र में कहा ईमानदारी है यदि जमीन का बिबाद न्यायालय में लंबित है तो कैसे प्रशासनिक अधिकारी और पुलिस मिलकर जमीन का मालिकाना हक़ तीसरे पक्ष को दे सकते है अर्थात उपजिलाधिकारी महोदय को आंग्ल भाषा का थोड़ा भी ज्ञान नहीं है इसलिए उन्होंने वही दिसंबर की रिपोर्ट को जनवरी के आख्या में दुहराया है जब की यह प्रकरण खुद उपजिलाधिकारी को ही बिधि विरुद्ध कार्यवाही करने का दोषी मानता है और आरोप खुद उपजिलाधिकारी के विरुद्ध है क्यों की पुलिस की कार्यवाही उपजिलाधिकारी के आज्ञा के अधीन है इसलिए पुलिस दोषी नहीं है बल्कि न्यायाल के क्षेत्राधिकार में उपजिलाधिकारी द्वारा अतिक्रमण किया गया है भू माफिया से साथ मिलकर जो की भ्रष्टाचार को दर्शाता है
Grievance Document
Current Status
Case closed
Date of Action
सम्बंधित आख्या अपलोड है आख्या अपलोड कर सेवा में सादर प्रेषित है आख्या अपलोड कर सेवा में सादर प्रेषित है
Rating Remarks
Dear Customer, Thx for INB txn of Rs.10 frm A/c X1675 to UP CYBER T. Ref IK0BBYIHX4 on 15Apr21. If not done, fwd this SMS to 9223008333 to block INB or call 1800111109-SBI Dear Customer, OTP to approve transaction of Rs. 10.00 from your A/c No. ending 1675 to UP CYBER TREASURY is 96029555. Do not share with प्रार्थी को वांछित सूचना Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2021/0191083 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Vineet Maurya Date of Receipt 15/03/2021 Received By Ministry/Department Prime Ministers Office. More detail is attached to communique. This grievance has been disposed of by concerned mandate with the comment that report is uploaded with due respect. 1-Please provide the uploaded report by concerned mandate regarding aforementioned registration number. 2-Please provide the action report in case the public staff says the report uploaded but fraudulently not uploaded by him. 3-Action taken in aforementioned grievance for fraudulent activity.
Officer Concerns To
Officer Name
Shri Bhaskar Pandey
Officer Designation
Joint Secretary
Contact Address
Chief Minister Secretariat Room No.321 U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow
Email Address
Contact Number


  1. Growing anarchy because of corruption and insensitive judiciary is root cause of entire problems. It seems that our democracy has been hijacked.
    Think about the quantum of the corruption that concerned sub divisional did not upload the report but grievance was considered disposed of. Whether it is justified? Since since six moths sub divisional magistrate is procrastinating on the matter.

  2. Think about the credibility of the system that concerned staff of the government did not upload the report but he has written that with due respect report has been uploaded. Whether it is not cheating and who is allowing this cheating? It means something is wrong in the government machinery which is showing that there is rampant corruption in the government and the corruption has been rampant and the political Masters who have taken reign of the government in their hands are not of impeccable integrity and it is the need of hour that there must be complete overhauling of the government machinery. Corruption has made this Democratic Republic a Banana Republic where is no rule of law and anarchy rules us.

  3. The matter concerns the deep rooted corruption in the working of the staffs of the tehsil Sadar Mirzapur and this is because of the mismanagement of the sub divisional magistrate who is the the head of the department and itself promoting corruption through its orders by interfering with the sub judice matters. There was title dispute between the two parties and adjudication was pending before the civil court but one of the parties sold the property to the third party by the approval of sub divisional magistrate. The sub-divisional magistrate colluded with the land mafia.

  4. Undoubtedly we are far away from the truth and our public functionaries are following wrong path and misleading the innocent citizens in this country and filling their own pockets through their corrupt deeds such activities must be controlled in order to provide good governance but when from top to bottom there are corrupt people and to get freedom from such corrupt sheep are not feasible in this largest democracy in the world.


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