No action taken on the representation, but grievance closed through unproductive report

Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2021/03039 
Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Date of Receipt 19/01/2021 Received By Ministry/Department Uttar Pradesh Grievance Description 
करंट बिल इस प्रत्यावेदन के साथ संलग्न है विजली बिभाग द्वारा कराई जा रही चोरी व मनमाना विद्युत् बिल रोका जाय विद्युत् वितरण खंड द्वितीय मिर्ज़ापुर जिगना पावर हाउस अर्जुनपुर फीडर श्री मान जी मनमाना विजली का बिल किस तरह से न्यायोचित है इन्होने पूरे नीबी गहरवार ग्राम में किसी के यहां मीटर नहीं लगाया है मीटर सिर्फ कागजो पर चल रहे बहुत से विद्युत् मोटर अबैध तरीके से चलवा रहे है जिनकी वसूली विद्युत् बिभाग के भ्र्ष्ट कर्मचारिओं द्वारा की जाती है इस महीने का ५९५ रूपये का बिल इन्होने जारी किया है क्या बिजली की चोरी ही सुशासन है यह शिकायत बिजली चोरी से सम्बंधित है किन्तु कोई कार्यवाही नहीं की गयी 
Grievance Status for registration number : GOVUP/E/2019/38302 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Yogi M. P. Singh Grievance Description An enquiry may be ordered in the matter so that truth may be unearthed causing damages to public exchequer by allowing theft of electricity on the large scale. The matter is concerned with Executive Engineer Electricity Distribution division II district Mirzapur government of Uttar Pradesh as he is providing the arbitrary electricity bills to the applicant in the electric connection in the name of my father Rajendra Pratap Singh, village panchayat Nibee Gaharwar post office Nibee Gaharwar district Mirzapur PIN Code 231303 and power station Jigana Arjunpur feeder Recharges Sun, 10 Jan, 16:56 Dear customer, Your Electricity Bill Payment for Uttar Pradesh Power Corp Ltd (UPPCL) - RURAL Account Number 751731768786 for Rs.495.00 is successful. Order Id: 407-0115007-2969908 Operator reference number: AB123456 BBPS reference number: BD01CAC8OHVM Recharges Fri, 27 Nov 2020, 11:42 Dear customer, Your Electricity Bill Payment for Uttar Pradesh Power Corp Ltd (UPPCL) - RURAL Account Number 751731768786 for Rs.400.00 is successful. Order Id: 403-5127326-6657949 Operator reference number: AB123456 BBPS reference number: BD01CACP1HD3 Recharges 12 Oct 2020, 19:34 Dear customer, Your Electricity Bill Payment for Uttar Pradesh Power Corp Ltd (UPPCL) - RURAL Account Number 751731768786 for Rs.381.00 is successful. Order Id: 403-1029020-6481901 Operator reference number: BD01CAB6K5WP BBPS reference number: BD01CAB6K5WP Grievance Document Current Status Case closed Date of Action 31/01/2021 Remarks अधीनस्थ अधिकारी के स्तर पर निस्तारित सन्दर्भ संख्या 60000210015144 का आख्या पोर्तल पर अप लोद किया गया है. 
Reply Document Rating 1 Poor Rating Remarks Here partial approach of Executive Engineer EDD II can not satisfy the aggrieved complainant as he did not take the perusal of contents of the grievance. Here core issue is arbitrary billing by the department concerned. Unfortunately, he did not take it seriously which means this arbitrary billing has his consent. If the meter they did not install, how can they show the billing on the ground of meter reading? This deeply rooted irregularity concerned Executive Engineer overlooked in submitting the report. Undoubtedly he sent the communication to the vigilance police Mirzapur specially engaged to check the theft of electricity but the ground reality is that such section is not available in the department of electricity which may independently curb the theft of electricity. If any such organization is available, then their activities had to be made public and feed must be made public so the public had reap benefit of it. How can an accountable officer can accept such third grade repo Officer Concerns To Officer Name Shri Arun Kumar Dube Officer Designation Joint Secretary Contact Address Chief Minister Secretariat U.P. Secretariat, Lucknow Email Address Contact Number 0522 2226349


  1. Here partial approach of Executive Engineer EDD II can not satisfy the aggrieved complainant as he did not take the perusal of contents of the grievance. Here core issue is arbitrary billing by the department concerned. Unfortunately, he did not take it seriously which means this arbitrary billing has his consent.


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